

(Biology) a human or animal intestine
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References in periodicals archive ?
Besides Yuen, another participant, Tharm Wei Wong of Penang, drowned while taking part in the same competition at around 8am.
[30] Caijun Zhong; Tharm Ratnarajah; Kai-Kit Wong, "Outage Analysis of Decode-and-Forward Cognitive Dual-Hop Systems With the Interference Constraint in Nakagami-m Fading Channels," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.
Subs: George Harry, Scott McHarri, Tommy Creamer, Doug Tharm.
The doctor was also at the centre of village gossip after housemaid, Eliza Tharm, gave birth to a boy and his "friend" Jane Burgess had an abortion.
But former Coronation Street star Chloe Newsome, who plays Palmer's maid and mistress Eliza Tharm, is keen to hear from any Sunday Mercury reader who may be able to tell her what became of Eliza.
In the incident at around 8 am today (July 15), Tharm Wei Wong from Penang was taking part in the swimming event when he drowned.