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var. of tele-1: telesthesia.


var. of teleo-: telencephalon.


1. telegram.
2. telegraph.
3. telephone.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
رَقْم التِّلفون
telefonní číslo
telefono numeris
telefona numurs
telefónne číslo


abbr of telephone (number) → Tel.
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


written abbreviation
telephone number.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Thof Squire Dickon “—this was a common misnomer with Benjamin—” is a nice gentleman, and as good a man to sail with as heart could wish, yet I shall tel the squire, d’ye see, in plain English, and that’s my native tongue, that if-so-be he is thinking of putting any Johnny Raw over my head, why, I shall resign.
Newage Testing Instruments, 147 James Way, Southampton, PA, 18966 tel: 215/526-2200 fax: 215/526-2192#
ZYP Coatings Inc, PO Box 2590, 120 Valley Court, Oak Ridge, TN, 37831-2590 tel: 865/482-5717 fax: 865/482-1281
Rapra Technology Ltd., RubberChem 2006, Marriot Hotel, Munich, Germany, Sally Humphreys, tel.: +44 (0) 1939 250-383; fax: +44 (0) 1939 251118--Dec.
Applied Market Information Ltd., The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum, Renaissance Hotel, Dusseldorf, Germany, Maud Lassara, tel.: +44 (0) 117 924 9442; fax: +44 (0) 117 311 1534; 11-13.
Chez Jeannot Paul Sachet Anlage 1, Basel Tel. 061 688 94 58
La Fonda Cucina Mexicana Schneidergasse 21, Basel Tel. 06126113 10,
Newport, Art, Media and Design, tel 01633 432194; Business and Management, tel 01633 432197; Computing and Engineering, tel 01633 432196; Teacher Education, tel 01633 432191; Humanities and Science, tel 01633 432190; Social Studies, tel 01633 432198; Centre for Community and Lifelong Learning, tel 01633 432199.
Bangor, English hotline, tel 0800 085 1818; Welsh hotline, tel 0800 328 5763.
Located in rural Chester County in southeastern Pennsylvania, Tel Hai (from the Hebrew phrase meaning "hill of life") is home to more than 500 residents across the continuum of care.
PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS BELFAST 2Taps Cotton Court 42 Waring Street Belfast Tel: 02890 311414 AM:PM Upper Arthur St Belfast Tel: 02890 249009 The Apartment 2 Donegall Square West Belfast Tel: 02890 509777 The Basement Bar & Grill 18 Donegall Square Belfast Tel: 02890 331925 Beechill Inn 14 Cedarhurst Road Belfast Tel: 02890 693193 The Chubby Cherub Upper Arthur St Belfast Tel: 02890 312964 Darcy's Bistro 10 Bradbury Place Belfast Tel: 02890 324040 Gourmet Burger Kitchen 1 Victoria Square Belfast Tel: 02890 246681 The House 12 Stranmillis Road Belfast Tel: 02890 682266 Irene and Nan's 1-3 Brunswick St Belfast Tel: 02890 239123 The Kitchen Bar 1 Victoria Square Belfast Tel: 02890 245268 Madison's Hotel 59-63 Botanic Avenue Belfast Tel.
Bays Bistro 183 Park View, Whitley Bay Tel: 0191 251 3567