
Also found in: Medical, Acronyms, Wikipedia.
Related to teel: TEER


(tɪl, til)

also teel

the sesame plant.
[1830–40; < Hindi]



prep., conj. Nonstandard.
till; until.
[aph. variant of until]
usage: See till1.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"It was a strike," Panthers head coach Bill Segelhorst said of Teel's throw.
"Anxiety and stress are major issues facing workers, as is depression," Teel said.
"I'm not going anywhere," Teel said in a statement.
Teel Analytical Labs had recently acquired a software program for thermal analysis, which allowed it to predict the kinetic models of reactions or events that took place in its products.
I especially thank our Board of Governors liaison, Renee Thompson, and our program administrators, Dixey Teel and Jeremy Citron, for their guidance, hard work, and support for the ALC.
WORKERS in the carmaking arm of Indian conglomerate Tata have urged the company to allow enough time to sell its UK sK teel business as efforts to save thousands of jobs were stepped up.
The following local students earned honors in the competition: drafting and engineering graphics in 2-D: second place, Tristan Jones, Junction City High School; drafting/engineering graphics in 3-D: first place, Doran Simpson, Thurston High School; second place, Anice Teel, Thurston; third place, Elijah Carstens, Thurston; welding technology and general welding skills: second place, Jake Littrell, Thurston.
In This Life Is Joy, Roger Teel delivers a welcome and long-overdue refresh of the century-old classics.
"It's up to our wing commander to determine what his requirements are to be confident that his people can deploy to an austere location, establish a base, and operate and survive at that base," Teel said.