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a box for storing tea
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Kausshal Dugarr, Founder and CEO of Teabox.com, lists down health benefits of blue tea: * Antioxidant properties: One of the most prominent benefits of drinking blue tea is that it has a lot of antioxidants.
20 -- Teabox, the global direct-to-consumer tea company, announces TeaPacs, the first individually packaged tea bags sealed at the source using a natural nitrogen flush.
Teabox is the first company in the beverage market to use a natural nitrogen flush.
Use the promo code BOGO to buy one, get one free iced tea online at (https://www.teabox.com/blends/iced-teas) Teabox.
The Teabox Company, which was started by Liverpool student Philip Perera through crowd-funding website Kickstarter, raised PS3,440 in 50 days.
Can the caffeine and keep herbal teas in this whitewash teabox, pounds 36, from the Holding Company, orderline (0208) 445-2888, www.theholding company.co.uk
The independent businesses taking part include Cards4 Scousers.com, P&D Italian deli, Belle and Blue, Vintage Fairytale, Belissimo Boutique, Freida McKitrick The Printmaker, REthinkthings, Craft Creative, Katherine Caldwell Illustrated Collections, Tru Organics, Lola Loves, DRPD, Jane Adams, Amy Clarke Films, The Teabox Company, Horse, Laura-Kate Draws, Laura Marsh, Marie Bellamy, Kimmi Designs, Little Shirley Beans, Christine's Cakes, Pascall-Willis Photography, Landbaby, Sandra Hepworth, Lucy Cortese and Marie Canning.