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Related to tapetal: tapetum


n. pl. ta·pe·ta (-tə)
1. Botany A nutritive tissue that surrounds certain developing spores, particularly the microspores within an anther.
2. Anatomy
a. A reflective membrane in the back of the eye of many animals that are active during low-light conditions.
b. A layer of fibers of the corpus callosum forming the roof of part of the lateral ventricle of the brain.

[Medieval Latin tapētum, coverlet, from Latin tapēte, *tapētum, from Greek tapēs, tapēt-; see tapestry.]

ta·pe′tal (-pēt′l) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -ta (-tə)
1. (Botany) a layer of nutritive cells in the sporangia of ferns and anthers of flowering plants that surrounds developing spore cells
2. (Zoology)
a. a membranous reflecting layer of cells in the choroid of the eye of nocturnal vertebrates
b. a similar structure in the eyes of certain nocturnal insects
3. (Anatomy) anatomy a covering layer of cells behind the retina of the eye
[C18: from New Latin, from Medieval Latin: covering, from Latin tapēte carpet, from Greek tapēs carpet]
taˈpetal adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(təˈpi təm)

n., pl. -ta (-tə).
1. Bot. a layer of nutritive tissue in a developing sporangium or anther that is absorbed as the spore matures.
2. Anat. any of certain membranous layers or layered coverings, as in the choroid coat in certain animals.
[1705–15; < New Latin; Medieval Latin tapētum coverlet (Latin, only pl.) < Greek tapēt-, s. of tápēs carpet]
ta•pe′tal, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
High temperature causes to early abortion in tapetal cells leading the pollen mother cells toward mitotic phase and finally goes to PCD yield to pollen sterility (Parish et al., 2012).
Spatiotemporal production of reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase is critical for tapetal programmed cell death and pollen development in arabidopsis.The Plant Cell, vol.
Both IDG004 and IDG025 code for anther-specific RTS-like proteins, required for male fertility and affecting tapetal development [56].
The presence of tapetal sheen, seen intermittently in case 2 and not previously described with PCD, is a characteristic for a retinal dystrophy rather than inflammation or drug toxicity.
For each goat, tapetal color, tapetal reflectivity, shape of tapetal area, homogenicity of tapetum, junction of tapetal and non tapetal border and location, colour, shape, border and degree of myelination of optic disc or retinal endothelium were evaluated.
Chromosome nondisjunction and instabilities in tapetal cells are affected by B chromosomes in maize.
Toxic tapetopathy is the characteristic of an altered tapetal color with degeneration or necrosis of the tapetum lucidum [164, 168].
It is characterized by typical clinical features in which there is golden yellow tapetal reflex over the fundus which disappears after prolonged dark adaptation.
In late stages severe atrophy of the neuro-sensorial retina, transretinal pigment migration and glial cicatrization in the non tapetal fundus area are observed (Nell et al., 2010).
Large volume, dense cytoplasm and one or two large nuclei are evident in the tapetal cells at this point.
Ubisch bodies, (1) con-peito grains) are a-cellular structures of sporopollenin that might occur on the inner tangential and radial walls of tapetal cells.