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(ˈtæmɪ; -ɪs) or


n, pl -ises (-ɪz; -ɪsɪz)
(Cookery) less common words for tammy31
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
These views were expressed by Inspector General Police Punjab, Amjad Javed Saleemi while inaugurating this new App TAMIS was prepared with collaboration of PITB at Traffic Headquarters Punjab Qurban Lines Lahore, today.
TAMIS is prepared as part of a collaboration with the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB).
The goal when developing Cusion Tamis was to reproduce the gesture of the larger size product in the same way, says de Livonniere.
It would take about a month for the script to get into Woodley's hands, and she remembers being at her mother's house and just sobbing while reading about the story of Tami Oldham and Richard Sharp, a young couple who endeavored to sail from Tahiti to San Diego and endured a hurricane that nearly destroyed the ship and put it irrevocably off-course.
He also referred to TAMIS trans anal minimal invasive surgery.
Alors, que les pouvoirs publics cessent de cacher le soleil avec un tamis [beaucoup plus grand que], a declare un marchand de friperie qui fait savoir qu'il emploie une dizaine de jeunes recrutes dans les differents commerces qu'il possede dans la wilaya de Blida.
Star are on 93 points with North East Tamis second on 89.
It is particularly good for trans-anal colorectal surgery such as TAMIS and taTME cases, as it does not cause the bellowing effect of the pneumorectum that standard insufflators do, which makes things a lot easier for the surgeon.
Mark Tamis, senior vice-president of guest operations, said Vista was Carnival's most innovative ship.
International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments (2014: Tamis Madu, India) Edited by P.M.