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(Astronautics) a communications satellite in stationary orbit
[C20: from syn(chronous) com(munication)]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Syncom Formulations (India) Ltd Key Recent Developments
Using search data based on data obtained from the Kingsport, the Boyden Observatory photographed Syncom 1 as a 17th magnitude object some two weeks later.
(68.) The term "hoop deals" was used by Herbert Wilkins, Sr., of Syncom, in a Wall Street Journal article.
Syncom III satellite used for historic international TV transmission of Olympics...
Hughes Aircraft lists among its many technological breakthroughs the world's first synchronous orbit communications satellite (SYNCOM), the demonstration of the first working laser, the pioneering development of three-dimensional radar and many others.
Syncom 1, an experimental forerunner of a series of communications satellites, was launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla.
Meanwhile, the Syncom 3 communications satellite, deployed in April but which reached its final orbit only after being repaired from the shuttle in August (SN: 9/7/85, p.
The experimental synchronous communications satellite system known as SYNCOM marked the first use of satellite communications in a combat zone.
The funding round was lead by new investor Spark Capital and included Syncom Venture Partners together with existing investors Lockheed Martin, GE Security, Baker Capital, Lehman Brothers and the founder and CEO of Clear, Steven Brill.
Syncom 3, a communications satellite, was successfully launched from Cape Kennedy, Fla.
Hughes Aircraft among its many technological breakthroughs, the world's first synchronous orbit communications satellite (SYNCOM), the demonstration of the first working laser, the pioneering development of three-dimensional radar and many others.