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Related to Surgy: surgery


a.1.Rising in surges or billows; full of surges; resembling surges in motion or appearance; swelling.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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(2) Albert De Surgy, Le phenomene pentecotiste en Afrique Noire (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2001).
And since enactment, the number of physicians practicing in previously scare specialties including obstetrics, orthopedic surgy, neurosurgery, emergency medicine, and cardiovascular surgery has increased, according to figures from the Texas Medical Association.
These melodies consecrate the message in a ritual response to a god's presence, a gesture comparable to the Togolese use of song to nourish and maintain the power of a fetish (de Surgy 79).
'Surgy', as he is known to his team-mates, was the hero once again as he scored the only goal against Lurgan Celtic on Wednesday night to help the Welders through to the Intermediate Cup final.