

(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a secondary or subordinate theme
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In line with Expo 2020's subtheme of Sustainability, the F&B programme will showcase the latest in sustainable practices and dining trends, with plenty environmentally-conscious and organic options and a focus on using ethically and locally-sourced products, as well actions designed to minimise food and packaging waste and energy use.
TABLE 4 Themes and Subthemes Identified Through Thematic Analysis Theme and Subtheme A.
From 9 themes, we derived several subthemes. The subthemes along with the frequency with which they were mentioned and percentage of times each subtheme was quoted in all the interviews is cited in table-II.
Amid this was a subtheme of a generally softer Euro, although ranges were limited.
Facts and Fiction and Adunic were selected on the basis of the tender criteria, which was to take the Expo's theme of 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future' and the sustainability subtheme chosen by Germany, and translate them into a pavilion concept that will grab interest, while linking the pavilion's architecture and its content.
Subtheme: Time lag between first consultation and correct diagnosis
The following subtheme was identified: first chair assumed.
Under the subtheme "Domestic and international actors" we included all topics related to different types of public actors.
If a sentence is found to satisfy a rule, it is presumed to contain the associated subtheme, and information can be presented as feedback in the user interface (Figure 1).
The first subtheme related by parents regarding their motivations for adoption was a biblical mandate to care for orphans.
For example, "smiling" in the previous study seems to be similar to "expressing delight during activity" as a subtheme in this study and "socializing with others" could be "social interaction through activity" as a major theme of this study.
A subtheme that emerged was "stress simplicity." When asked "what could we do that would get you to make changes to your diet?" several participants responded that the message should focus on simple, specific changes that emphasize how easy it is to meet the RDA.