

a depot within a larger depot
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(25) In early 1942, the Air Service Command also became responsible for providing airbases with third echelon (subdepot or intermediate-level) maintenance support.
In the midst of all this, NAVSUPPACT's mission was broadened to include establishing a Facility (including a subdepot) at Chu Lai which in effect required nearly all the facilities at DaNang to be duplicated at Chu Lai, albeit on a much smaller scale.
Notwithstanding these complexities, it is expected to reliably supply pharmaceuticals from manufacturers to provincial depots and subdepots (in some cases), and directly or indirectly to all levels of health facilities, centralised dispensaries and other non-health facilities.
There would be office space totalling 2,070sqm, housing up to 300 staff from existing offices and subdepots across the region.
No doses were lost from storage depots or subdepots, areas with the greatest potential for loss, Mr.
Moreover, each depot had subdepots scattered along the flight route in that particular division.
3nd Echelon: That maintenance performed by service groups and subdepots.
The setting up of new subdepots, or delivery to certain customers by other means, are problems that need to be carefully examined, so that the consequences of various possible changes to existing working conditions are fully understood.
Additionally, the flight line maintainer often complained that the ASC subdepots were unresponsive to the urgency of day-to-day mission requirements.
In-theater depots, subdepots, and intermediate-level maintenance organizations provided in depth aircraft repair service independent of stateside organizations.