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a computer tag identifying data on something such as a compact disc
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This subcode under relationships was applied six times, four times for situations where preservice teachers indicated they desired better boundaries with their students and twice regarding a perceived lack of connection with students.
Coders reviewed quotations associated with each top-level code, developed subcode schemes, documented the subcode and definitions in the codebook, and applied these independently for one top-level code at a time.
A subcode to separate construction supervisors/managers from extraction supervisors/managers is not available.
This is possible because the code uses direct ray trace with a subcode for holographic optical elements (HOEs), which can be used to partially simulate binary elements.
[3.] Lim, Meng-Hui, and Andrew Beng Jin Teoh.: An analytic performance estimation framework for multibit biometric discretization based on equal-probable quantization and linearly separable subcode encoding.
RRNC in New Jersey was codified by Subchapter 10 "Radon Hazard Subcode" of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code in 1990, requiring builders of any new construction in Tier 1 areas of the state, such as Hillsborough Township, to install radon-resistant features like installing piping for a radon mitigation system, installing a plastic liner under the foundation to serve as a vapor barrier, and sealing openings with polyurethane caulk (NJDEP, 2010a, 2010b).
Therefore, it was necessary to make a subcode named mental fatigue in the analysis to provide the best description of how fatigue was experienced by the patients.
'Platform permissions' is a subcode of the 'Permissions' code in the above list; other subcodes within Permissions are 'Locked out (of Moodle)' and 'Server permissions'.
Data reduction occurred through the determination of frequency rates and prioritization of each subcode per participant.
The existing encoding schemes for biometric discretization include Direct Binary Representation [2][8], Binary Reflected Gray Code [6] and Linearly Separable SubCode [11].