

a cell within a larger cell
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Each subcell and the whole module require 2 x 2 distinct electrodes to provide for 2 x 2 droplet positions.
The observed behavior cannot be fitted by a simple lumped model with series and shunt resistances: a nonuniform three-section model of the cell [36] provides a good fitting of the measured characteristics, as shown in Figure 3, with extracted series resistances of about 50, 1, and 1 [OMEGA][cm.sup.2] for each subcell. The undoped QDSC shows a marked penalty of [V.sub.oc] with respect to the REF cell, which is partially recovered in the samples with directly doped QDs.
They discuss fundamental knowledge pertaining to the biological function and natural mechanisms regulating these barriers, and focus on drug-delivery strategies that facilitate transport of drugs and their carriers at the tissue, cell, and subcell levels.
The voltages at each subcell and tunnel junction are as follows
Subcell modeling is often used in FDTD to model structures with dimensions much smaller than those of other elements in the overall grid.
It is not uncommon for both the "subcell structure" and the correct structure to be reported in the literature masquerading as polymorphic forms.