

an archaic variant of destroy
ˈstroyer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t., v.i.
Archaic. to destroy.
[1400–50; late Middle English stroyen, aph. variant of destroyen to destroy]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: stroyed
Gerund: stroying

I stroy
you stroy
he/she/it stroys
we stroy
you stroy
they stroy
I stroyed
you stroyed
he/she/it stroyed
we stroyed
you stroyed
they stroyed
Present Continuous
I am stroying
you are stroying
he/she/it is stroying
we are stroying
you are stroying
they are stroying
Present Perfect
I have stroyed
you have stroyed
he/she/it has stroyed
we have stroyed
you have stroyed
they have stroyed
Past Continuous
I was stroying
you were stroying
he/she/it was stroying
we were stroying
you were stroying
they were stroying
Past Perfect
I had stroyed
you had stroyed
he/she/it had stroyed
we had stroyed
you had stroyed
they had stroyed
I will stroy
you will stroy
he/she/it will stroy
we will stroy
you will stroy
they will stroy
Future Perfect
I will have stroyed
you will have stroyed
he/she/it will have stroyed
we will have stroyed
you will have stroyed
they will have stroyed
Future Continuous
I will be stroying
you will be stroying
he/she/it will be stroying
we will be stroying
you will be stroying
they will be stroying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been stroying
you have been stroying
he/she/it has been stroying
we have been stroying
you have been stroying
they have been stroying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been stroying
you will have been stroying
he/she/it will have been stroying
we will have been stroying
you will have been stroying
they will have been stroying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been stroying
you had been stroying
he/she/it had been stroying
we had been stroying
you had been stroying
they had been stroying
I would stroy
you would stroy
he/she/it would stroy
we would stroy
you would stroy
they would stroy
Past Conditional
I would have stroyed
you would have stroyed
he/she/it would have stroyed
we would have stroyed
you would have stroyed
they would have stroyed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
With the boy as a witness, he went through a cere- mony and brought about an accident that nearly de- stroyed the companionship that was growing up between them.
Damascus, SANA-Public Works and Housing Ministry signed a memo of understanding with Russian Stroy Expert Company on cooperation in domain of public constructions and the implementation of housing projects.
stroy telling session, first aid training, fun with interactive learning board.
Three sessions will be organised in the Fesitval including class room - stroy telling session, first aid training, fun with interactive learning board.
>10 Frozen DISNEY film tells the stroy of a fearless princess who sets off on an epic journey to find her estranged sister.
Since no one tells me, I decided to make some public assumptions, which even 'they' may read and blush;I doubt the blushing bit though, for they, shamefully and boastfully will continue their mission to de- stroy any iota of decent con- duct left in our industry.
It also factors in the sufficient experience in construction of local developer KAN Development holding, which incorporates the project's general contractor KAN Stroy.
w stroy It is this thinking which wants to destroy green land, green belt land, sites of special scientific interest, historic buildings and people's livelihoods as well as separating communities with its intended high-speed rail link to Birmingham, bypassing all else.
The plant will be constructed by the Syrian Oil Company in cooperation with the Russian Stroy Trans Gas company at a cost of around $303 million.
The production came after the Syrian Gas Company had completed installation and initial testing in cooperation with the firm will see Russian giant Stroy Trans Gas Co.