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Noun1.Strobile - cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bractsstrobile - cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts
reproductive structure - the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
fir cone - the seed-producing cone of a fir tree
galbulus - the seed-producing cone of a cypress tree
pinecone - the seed-producing cone of a pine tree
conifer, coniferous tree - any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
horsetail - perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; tend to become weedy; common in northern hemisphere; some in Africa and South America
club moss, club-moss, lycopod - primitive evergreen moss-like plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles
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In terms of Yakima Chief's product offerings, the company supplies the nutraceutical industry with fresh hop strobile (flowers), pellets and SCC[O.sub.2-]based extracts.
Strobile. The strobile is a small, soft, and cone-like fruit that contains many "winged" seeds; Birch is typical.
The female flower is called a strobile. It is green, bell-like and covered like a cone in papery green scales; these will turn brown by the end of summer and can be collected and dried and used with other scented herbs in a hop pillow.
FRUIT: 1" strobile with winged nutlets; NOT ORNAMENTAL.
Strobile A cone-like fruit consisting of tightly layered sporophylls on a central axis.