

[stɑːtʃ], (Noun)

- an odourless, tasteless white substance occurring widely in plant tissue and obtained chiefly from cereals and potatoes. It is a polysaccharide which functions as a carbohydrate store and is an important constituent of the human diet

- powder or spray made from starch and used before ironing to stiffen fabric or clothing
(e.g: crisp linen, stiff with starch)

- stiffness of manner or character
(e.g: the starch in her voice)

- take the starch out of

Middle English (earliest as a verb): of Germanic origin; related to Dutch sterken, German stärken ‘strengthen’, also to stark. Old English sterced (in sterced-ferhð ‘stout-hearted’) may show an earlier form of this verb, or may alternatively be related to stark

[stɑːtʃ], (Verb)

- stiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch
(e.g: starch your collar to keep it straight and stiff)

- (of a boxer) defeat (an opponent) by a knockout
(e.g: Ray Domenge starched Jeff Geddami in the first)

- take the starch out of

Middle English (earliest as a verb): of Germanic origin; related to Dutch sterken, German stärken ‘strengthen’, also to stark. Old English sterced (in sterced-ferhð ‘stout-hearted’) may show an earlier form of this verb, or may alternatively be related to stark

definition by Oxford Dictionaries