

(Animals) a male red deer in the fourth year of life
[C15: see stag, -ard]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Once it was a wild sow which scuttled out of the bracken, with two young sounders at her heels, and once a lordly red staggard walked daintily out from among the tree trunks, and looked around him with the fearless gaze of one who lived under the King's own high protection.
Further mathematics: Units 3 and 4 (Jones, Evans, Lipson & Staggard, 2016) is a popular text-book used in Further Mathematics; I will often refer to this book as 'the text'.
I was staggard but replied that I begged he would not ask me any questions on that head as I could not consent to anything or advise anything but what the Law directs.
Some of these names may be unfamiliar: SIRENIAN (a member of the mammalian order Sirenia--sea cows); SPRINGER (a flying fish); WANDEROO (a langur monkey); STAGGARD (a stag in its 4th year); COMMENSAL (an animal which lives attached to another and shares its food); WARRIGAL (Australian wild dog); KOLINSKI (a mink); HARTEBEEST(an antelope); DIDELPHIS (an opossum); BUSH BABY (an African lemur); FILANDER (an intestinal worm; also a Kangaroo); MASTODON (an extinct elephant-like mammal); POPINJAY (a parrot); PETREL (a small sea bird); CURASSOW (a turkey-like bird); STANYEL (a kestrel)."
Both are housed in a power SIP design to reduce board space requirements and feature a staggard pin configuration to accommodate the high voltage capabilities.
(b) RETOOTHER (Web2), STAGGARTS (stags in their 4th year) see staggard, 1847 citation