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References in periodicals archive ?
(6.) Hays RM, Hackworth SR, Speltz ML, Weinstein P.
They started their life together in Skokie, IL and soon settled in Batavia where they raised four children; Barbara Holzl Speltz (John), Christl, John (Carie) and Karl E.
Previously, DP was considered a minor and purely cosmetic problem by many practitioners (Pogliani et al., 2011; Speltz et al., 2010), but it causes parental anxiety, and can require costly and lengthy management (McKinney, Cunningham, Holt, Leroux, & Starr, 2009).
(Fox, Nordquist, Billen, & Savoca, 2015; Pope, Tillman, & Snyder, 2005; Speltz, Armsden, & Clarren, 1990).
Depression is more commonly found in female children than in male children (Nietzel, Speltz, McCauley, & Bernstein, 1998), so we did separate analyses.
The young artists under consideration are: sopranos Sarah Shafer and Jennifer Zelman; mezzo-sopranos Jamie Barton, Rachel Calloway, Cecelia Hall, Alisa Kolosova and Peabody South well; bass-baritones Aubrey Allicock and Evan Hughes; tenor Dominic Armstrong; violinists Augustine Hadelich and Itamar Zorman; cellist Brook Speltz; double bassist Roman Patkolo; harpist Sivan Magen; and pianist Behzod Abduraimov.
(23.) Alexander Speltz, The Styles of Ornament (New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1950), 498-502.