

a little spark or sparkle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈspɑrk lɪt)

1. a small spark.
2. something small that glitters like a spark.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Santana, "Elevated [Ca.sup.2+] sparklet activity during acute hyperglycemia and diabetes in cerebral arterial smooth muscle cells," American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, vol.
Other ready to use solutions provided includes eStorm ARM platforms, Sparklet GUI library, SkyCase IoT Cloud platform etc.
Circa 1900-1905, the unwieldy but portable "Sparklet Nasal" might have offered some relief to asthmatics, if not "completely cure head colds" as the poster by French artist G.
Brands declared safe by PCRWR were Nestle, Kinely, Aquafina Springley, Well O, Natural Excellent, Kisan (Better Life), Minra, Khaleej, Aqua RO, Premier, Blu Water, Sufi, Avisa, Aqua Feen,Legend, Aqua Habib, Selina, Vital,Clear,Hydra, Life,Pak zam zam, Spring Fresh , Vey, Sun Lay, Jel, Marjan, Aqua Vie, Liza, A ONE, Tahoor, Aqua Hygienic,First Water, Ab e Hayat, Hydropsy,Kerry, Via,Neble, Khyber Aqua, Natural Aqua, Sparklet,Nectar, Splash Dew, Good Ly, Khush Abb, Gourmet,Morning Mist,Aqua Save and Al Shalal.
SPARKLET Engineers Private Limited (SEPL), a Mumbai-based oil and gas upstream and downstream equipment design, fabrication and supply company, plans to increase its market share in the coming years.
This Royal Laboratory tracer was replaced in 1916 with the Sparklet Mark VIIT which traced for about 800 yards and then by the SPG Mark VUG in late 1916 which was the most commonly found tracer of World War I.
Also, any CO2 Cartridges stamped with Jefferson Metal or Sparklet must be disposed of by the proper method.
On it are bottles of whiskey, gin, sherry, soda in "Sparklet" siphons, etc.
Embien's solutions portfolio also includes Sparklet graphical library, RAPIDSEA development library etc.
Brands declared safe by PCRWR were Nestle ,Kinely, Aquafina Springley, Well-O, Natural Excellent, Kisan (Better Life), Minra, Khaleej, Aqua RO, Premier, Blu-Water, Sufi, Avisa, Aqua Feen,Legend, Aqua Habib, Selina, Vital,Clear,Hydra, Life,Pak zam zam, Spring Fresh , Vey, Sun Lay, Jel, Marjan, Aqua Vie, Liza, A-ONE, Tahoor, Aqua Hygienic, First Water, Ab-e- Hayat, Hydropsy, Kerry, Via,Neble, Khyber Aqua, Natural Aqua, Sparklet,Nectar, Splash Dew, Good Ly, Khush Abb, Gourmet,Morning Mist,Aqua Save and Al-Shalal.
They saw the popular seltzer bottles everybody used for entertaining, and they reasoned the 8-gram "Sparklet" C[O.sub.2] cartridges that powered them might also make a great source of power for airguns.