
Also found in: Acronyms.


n, pl -dos
1. a neutered animal or person
2. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) obsolete a type of sword
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Spado is a Peshawar-based non-profit organization working to promote public awareness about threats of landmines, stop trade of illicit arms, and lobby for strict laws against such menaces.
Based on the quantitative research, it selected 142,392 individuals (106,308 children and 36,084 adults) for training and 4,207 training sessions were conducted in the selected areas, according to the Spado's MRE final report 2011.
Peshawar, Jun.1 (ANI): A Pakistan based non-government organization, Sustainable Peace and Development Organisation (SPADO), has claimed that the landmines planted by the Taliban in some parts of Swat, Lower Dir and Buner were provided by some 'foreign powers'.
Assim, foi possivel que Olive Watson, com 43 anos, adotasse sua companheira, Patricia Spado, que, na epoca, tinha 44 anos de idade--um ano a mais do que sua mae adotiva.
In the era before civil unions and gay marriage, Olive Watson was so determined that Patricia Spado be taken care of in the event of her death that in the early 1990s she became her "mother" - even though Ms Spado was a year older than her.
He is the only writer to use the term eunuch about Jesus, using the Latin word spado, a common word for a castrated or impotent man.
The curd is then cut into two sections with a spado, or metal sword, and a new cloth envelopes the second section; both sections are tied to the wooden pole and drain as the whey is pumped from the cauldron.