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Related to sluff: sloughing, sluff off


n, vb
(Bridge) bridge a variant spelling of slough2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(slaʊ for 1,2,4; slu for 3 )

1. an area of soft, muddy ground; swamp or swamplike region.
2. a hole full of mire, as in a road.
3. Also, slew, slue. a marshy pool, inlet, backwater, or the like.
4. a condition of degradation or despair.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English slōh, c. Middle Low German slōch, Middle High German sluoche ditch]



1. the outer layer of the skin of a snake, which is cast off periodically.
2. a mass or layer of dead tissue separated from the surrounding or underlying tissue.
3. anything that is shed or cast off.
4. a discarded card.
5. to be shed or cast off, as the slough of a snake.
6. to cast off a slough.
7. to separate from the sound flesh, as a slough.
8. to discard a card or cards.
9. to dispose or get rid of; cast (often fol. by off): to slough off a bad habit.
10. to shed as or like a slough.
11. to discard (a card).
12. slough over, to treat as inconsequential.
[1250–1300; Middle English slughe, slouh skin of a snake, akin to Middle Low German slū, slō husk, shell, Middle High German slūch]
slough′i•ness, n.
slough′y, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: sluffed
Gerund: sluffing

I sluff
you sluff
he/she/it sluffs
we sluff
you sluff
they sluff
I sluffed
you sluffed
he/she/it sluffed
we sluffed
you sluffed
they sluffed
Present Continuous
I am sluffing
you are sluffing
he/she/it is sluffing
we are sluffing
you are sluffing
they are sluffing
Present Perfect
I have sluffed
you have sluffed
he/she/it has sluffed
we have sluffed
you have sluffed
they have sluffed
Past Continuous
I was sluffing
you were sluffing
he/she/it was sluffing
we were sluffing
you were sluffing
they were sluffing
Past Perfect
I had sluffed
you had sluffed
he/she/it had sluffed
we had sluffed
you had sluffed
they had sluffed
I will sluff
you will sluff
he/she/it will sluff
we will sluff
you will sluff
they will sluff
Future Perfect
I will have sluffed
you will have sluffed
he/she/it will have sluffed
we will have sluffed
you will have sluffed
they will have sluffed
Future Continuous
I will be sluffing
you will be sluffing
he/she/it will be sluffing
we will be sluffing
you will be sluffing
they will be sluffing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sluffing
you have been sluffing
he/she/it has been sluffing
we have been sluffing
you have been sluffing
they have been sluffing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sluffing
you will have been sluffing
he/she/it will have been sluffing
we will have been sluffing
you will have been sluffing
they will have been sluffing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sluffing
you had been sluffing
he/she/it had been sluffing
we had been sluffing
you had been sluffing
they had been sluffing
I would sluff
you would sluff
he/she/it would sluff
we would sluff
you would sluff
they would sluff
Past Conditional
I would have sluffed
you would have sluffed
he/she/it would have sluffed
we would have sluffed
you would have sluffed
they would have sluffed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in classic literature ?
It is so sluffed over and hushed up, there is so little clear thinking--oh, political economy, of course, but so few of us think clearly about our own private incomes, and admit that independent thoughts are in nine cases out of ten the result of independent means.
Suddenly, I heard the sluff of snow--not the fall of a hoof or the rush of air through raven wings, but the press of cascading snow as from a ski.
Enkele belangrike kenmerke van die magies-realistiese teks wat in verband gebring word met kunstenaarskap in "Die swye van Mario Salviati" sluff onder meer in: die saambestaan van twee werelde, die vertwyfeling by die leser oor die interpretasie van gebeure as realisties of magies, die bevraagtekening van tradisionele opvattings oor tyd, ruimte en identiteit, die antiburokratiese standpunt en die fokus op kollektiewe eerder as individuele geheue.