
We have found lemma(root) word of slopes : slope.


[sləʊp], (Noun)

- a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface
(e.g: he slithered helplessly down the slope)

- a person from East Asia, especially Vietnam

- at the slope
- slope arms

late 16th century (as a verb): from the obsolete adverb slope, a shortening of aslope. The use of the verb with reference to aimless or unobtrusive movement may be related to lope

[sləʊp], (Verb)

- (of a surface or line) be inclined from a horizontal or vertical line; slant up or down
(e.g: the garden sloped down to a stream)

- move in an idle or aimless manner
(e.g: I had seen Don sloping about the beach)

- at the slope
- slope arms

late 16th century (as a verb): from the obsolete adverb slope, a shortening of aslope. The use of the verb with reference to aimless or unobtrusive movement may be related to lope

definition by Oxford Dictionaries