

carried through the sky
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈskaɪˌbɔrn, -ˌboʊrn)

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Unmanned Systems, Inc., a manufacturer of unmanned systems and drones will be moving part of its manufacturing and training to Costin Airport to further enhance the joint effort between Skyborne Technology and Unmanned Systems.
15 March 2019 - Florida, US-based Skyborne Technology, Inc, a developer of unmanned airship and drone aviation systems, has acquired Costin Airport located in Port St.
BEDDOWES Such was the carnage and suffering, that the government, fearful of flagging morale, banned references to Birmingham's skyborne siege.
KYBOSH, KYBOSHES (W3) KYBOSHING (OED --'credit crisis' 2008 quote) KYBOSHED (source ought to be findable) SKYBOARD, SKYBOARDS (OED ) SKYBOARDER, SKYBOARDERS (OED ) SKYBOARDING, SKYBOARDINGS (OED ) SKYBOLT (OED --'contingency' 1963 quote) SKYBORN (Chambers Dictionary , 12th edition) SKYBORNE (W3 ) SKYBOX, SKYBOXES (W3 ) There are 24 different arrangements of the letters in KYBO.
and Realty Corp., Freeport Shipyard and Eng'g Corp., Skyborne Const.
Such was the carnage and su ering, that our government, fearful of agging morale, banned references to Birmingham's skyborne siege.
Most of us minimize our time there, or avoid it altogether; not so Nina Katchadourian, who has been lingering in skyborne commodes for the past two years--annexing them, along with tray tables, as makeshift studios, and calling herself and fellow passengers into service as models.
With the heady aspirations of a wonderful skyborne architecture and--my goodness--a whole world created around the ethos of the BMW car all joined together in a wonderful optimism.
She ascends, as she says, "to a great skyborne town and a small band of serious young people, dedicated to resisting death and tyranny, whom I understood at once to be the Compassionate" (749).
The effect is that of an immense, skyborne fluorescent light.
A little girl makes friends with a cloud of skyborne gas and dust particles in kids' film Laura's Star.