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adj, -kier or -kiest
characterized by shrieking
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Elevated in pitch:
Music: acute.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Sadly, these moments were all too fleeting, the rest of the 30-minute run time playing out like a shrieky farce.
Yet, she's stuck in a screechy, shrieky, intermittently amusing sitcom laden with cliches (two silly sing-a-longs, "be yourself" platitudes and obligatory exclamations of "awesome") and the sad observation that teens can become the abusive, selfish people they once hated.
Altered Keith After that initial run though, the joke started to wear thin and Francis' already shrieky brand of comedy became an irritant, the televisual equivalent of driving along with a wasp stuck inside your motorbike helmet.
Before you feel too sorry for my neighbors, you should know that there is a Dachshund next door who launches into fits of shrieky barking any time we open our front gate, or upon any appearance by any human or non-human animal (dogs, cats, chickens) in our own backyard.
Along with a website and a blog, she has two TED talks that have been watched by millions of viewers, and an Amazon podcast called Where Should We Begin that allows participants to listen in as "The Couple Whisperer," as she has been called, does her stuff in her unplaceable accent, talking of "self-pleasuring" and sounding altogether like a less shrieky Dr.Ruth.
Like why more Indians know about shrieky Bollywood singers instead of Vedavalli or Bombay Jayshree?
Cue an almighty shrieky showdown in the street (left) culminating in Nikki being shoved into a pile of bin bags!
Although the script is a bit shrieky, there are some sparkling one-liners in the first hour and Mann puts everything into her leading performance following smaller roles in movies like The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up.
| Cameron with Leslie and Kate Although the script is a bit shrieky, there are some sparkling one-liners in the first hour and Mann puts everything into her leading performance following smaller roles in movies like The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up.
When the vocals get shrieky - which is now a real word, dang it - the shrieks are ear-piercing.
But for people with conditions that cause decreased sound tolerance, or DST, hearing the shrieky vocals, loud beats and repetitive choruses of modern pop music can evoke more than mere irritation; they can actually diminish quality of life.