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A relatively short-range navigation system by which a ship or aircraft can determine its position with high precision by measuring the times required for a radar signal to reach and return from each of two ground stations of known position.

[sho(rt)-ra(nge) n(avigation).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Electronics) a short-range radar system by which an aircraft, ship, etc, can accurately determine its position by the time taken for a signal to be sent to two radar beacons at known locations and be returned
[C20: sho(rt) ra(nge) n(avigation)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
"The rescued Hindu pilgrims spent night in Gandawa later all pilgrims were transported to Shoran through passenger coaches." Meer Sultan Bugti said added three helicopters of Pak Army participated in the relief and rescue operation.
Shoran ve Dinah [26] akran egitimi veren ust siniftaki ogrencilerin onceki yillarda ne kadar cok sey ogrendiklerini fark ettiklerini belirtmislerdir.
Rind, talking to the media, said that security forces have encircled Shoran town, where residence of the chief of the Rind tribe was located.
Meanwhile, the spokesman refuted news that the smoke which was seen in Shoran area south of Madinah was caused by volcanic eruptions but resulted from burning residual building and plastic material.
After leaving the D.A.'s office for private practice and getting some distance from that terrifying day, Joshi asked his friend and first-time author Shoran Reid, herself a former civil trial attorney, to write the story.
Survivors include three sons, Steven of Portland, Jay of Monroe and Neil of Roseburg; a daughter, Shoran Adair of Springfield; a stepson, Michael Bacon of Vancouver, Wash.; a stepdaughter, Barbara Muenzos of Portland; two sisters, Geri Cook of Medford and Myrna McKinney of Davis, Calif.; two brothers, Michael of Oakland, Calif.
h) Grup Tartismasi Yontemi: Shoran ve arkadaslari tarafindan 1984 yilinda gelistirilen bu yontem, ogrenme surecinde ogrencilerin kendi kendiliklerince yaptiklari faaliyetler temel hareket noktasi olarak ele almaktadi r.
PA terrorists opened fire on an Israeli vehicle on the road between Far Sab= a and the Jewish communities of Cadmium and Gigot Shoran in Samaria on Mond= ay evening.
Story by Shoran Anderson, public affairs office, Chief of Naval Personnel.
Since the North American continent was tied to Europe with a single SHORAN measurement, a World Geodetic System was required, locating three axes points on a mathematical model for the Earth.
Because of the forecast cloud cover, they would use Shoran to strike the target.