

a person who fishes or hunts sharks


obsolete someone who makes a living by cheating; swindler
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References in periodicals archive ?
(33.) Khan SU, Gurley ES, Hossain MJ, Nahar N, Sharker MA, Luby SP, A randomized controlled trial of interventions to impede date palm sap contamination by bats to prevent Nipah virus transmission in Bangladesh.
Some are like small, permanent islands, such as Sharker's Island at the east end of Big Pass.
This research work was carried out as part of an undergraduate thesis of Md Mahfuzer Rahman, Ratul Sharker, and Sajib Biswas at CSE, BUET under the supervision of M.
Luby, S., Agboatwalla, M., Bowen, A., Kenah, E., Sharker, Y., & Hoekstra, R.
[14] Sharker SM Hossain MK Haque MR Chowdhury AA Kaisar MA Hasan CM Rashid MA.
On the main stage, performers included the Notebenders, Double Blessing, Bengalz Knight, Young Gifted Brum, Rosey Sharker, Fo'Sho, Born After Dark, 3Ts and C4; Livewire ENT, and Solo Puppet Ministry.
El cambio legislativo dio lugar a un incremento de las agresiones y las heridas relacionadas con el alcohol y de los ingresos hospitalarios (Newton, Sharker, Pahal, van den Bergh y Young, 2007).
The second eight of Emily Corney, Thirzah Francis, Alison Clark-Jenkins, Lucy Williamson, Deborah Ashurst, Fiona Ventress, Wendy Capes and Sarah Sharker, coxed by Hannah York, finished 15th in the category in a time of 19:11.5, notably beating university crews from Loughborough and Nottingham.
But serial sharker Calum Best left empty-handed, much to the disappointment of the club's CCTV operator.