

of or relating to sememes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The opposition of the signs cuphoria/dysphoria corresponds, in this case, to predicative (sememic) oppositions: to succeed/ to fail, to conquer/to be defeated.
(17) Cf., e.g., Mel'cuk's (1998: 29) notion of "pragmateme", and Makkai's group of "sememic or cultural-pragmemic idioms" (1972: ch.
Proverbs belong to the second category, which Makkai labels sememic idioms.
Reichmann's ideal, rationalist dictionary (a grammatisch-kritisches Worterbuch des Hochdeutschen?) eliminates the sememic subcomponents, but (De-)Konversosemierung, (De-)Antosemierung, and Komplesemierung needed more explaining; whether Enlightenment thinkers themselves were aware of them remains unclear.
One sentence runs: |There is around us in our minds a vast terra incognita of other texts and also perhaps above all a terra incognita of mythologemes, ideologemes, descriptive systems and sememic structures that the sociolect feeds into texts, and which is the stuff, the precast, prefabricated stuff of literature'.