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an act of seisin
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References in classic literature ?
ADAM, Heav'ns high behest no Preface needs: Sufficient that thy Prayers are heard, and Death, Then due by sentence when thou didst transgress, Defeated of his seisure many dayes Giv'n thee of Grace, wherein thou may'st repent, And one bad act with many deeds well done Mayst cover: well may then thy Lord appeas'd Redeem thee quite from Deaths rapacious claimes; But longer in this Paradise to dwell Permits not; to remove thee I am come, And send thee from the Garden forth to till The ground whence thou wast tak'n, fitter Soile.
On 9 December, 1971, just days after the Iranian seisure of the islands, Iraq's ambassador complained about what he termed an "armed aggression by Iran," worrying that it could be detrimental to regional security.
Hoever, no one had been arrested in connection with the seisure, he said.