

(skraʊdʒ; skruːdʒ)
(tr) dialect to crowd or press
[C18: alteration of C16 scruze to squeeze, perhaps blend of screw + squeeze]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(skraʊdʒ, skrudʒ)

v.t., v.i. scrouged, scroug•ing.
to squeeze; crowd.
[1820–30; of obscure orig.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: scrouged
Gerund: scrouging

I scrouge
you scrouge
he/she/it scrouges
we scrouge
you scrouge
they scrouge
I scrouged
you scrouged
he/she/it scrouged
we scrouged
you scrouged
they scrouged
Present Continuous
I am scrouging
you are scrouging
he/she/it is scrouging
we are scrouging
you are scrouging
they are scrouging
Present Perfect
I have scrouged
you have scrouged
he/she/it has scrouged
we have scrouged
you have scrouged
they have scrouged
Past Continuous
I was scrouging
you were scrouging
he/she/it was scrouging
we were scrouging
you were scrouging
they were scrouging
Past Perfect
I had scrouged
you had scrouged
he/she/it had scrouged
we had scrouged
you had scrouged
they had scrouged
I will scrouge
you will scrouge
he/she/it will scrouge
we will scrouge
you will scrouge
they will scrouge
Future Perfect
I will have scrouged
you will have scrouged
he/she/it will have scrouged
we will have scrouged
you will have scrouged
they will have scrouged
Future Continuous
I will be scrouging
you will be scrouging
he/she/it will be scrouging
we will be scrouging
you will be scrouging
they will be scrouging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been scrouging
you have been scrouging
he/she/it has been scrouging
we have been scrouging
you have been scrouging
they have been scrouging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been scrouging
you will have been scrouging
he/she/it will have been scrouging
we will have been scrouging
you will have been scrouging
they will have been scrouging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been scrouging
you had been scrouging
he/she/it had been scrouging
we had been scrouging
you had been scrouging
they had been scrouging
I would scrouge
you would scrouge
he/she/it would scrouge
we would scrouge
you would scrouge
they would scrouge
Past Conditional
I would have scrouged
you would have scrouged
he/she/it would have scrouged
we would have scrouged
you would have scrouged
they would have scrouged
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Mentioned in ?
References in classic literature ?
I know some o' you has berry brig mout, brigger dan oders; but den de brig mouts sometimes has de small bellies; so dat de brigness ob de mout is not to swallar wid, but to bite off de blubber for de small fry ob sharks, dat can't get into de scrouge to help demselves.
Having had experience of anti-social behaviour, eventually leading to the tragic death of a wonderful hardworking young man, Robert son of a former neighbour, Barbara Dunne, opposite my former home, now demolished because of this scrouge on humanity.
It's an alternative spelling of scrouge, which in turn is an alteration of scruze, probably a blend of screw and squeeze.
She must find a way to be patient with a father who has been out of her life for years after being held captive by the Scrouge, an evil paranormal group.
I know some o' you has berry brig mout, brigger dan oders; but den de brig mouts sometimes has de small bellies; so dat de brigness of de mout is not to swaller wid, but to bit off de blubber for de small fry ob sharks, dat can't get into de scrouge to help demselves."
The phylloxera scrouge ran rampant in the 19th century, largely because American and French wine makers were swapping grapes.