

(intr) to emit a grating or creaking sound
such a sound
[C18: of imitative origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


- The rustle of silk.
See also related terms for silk.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: scrooped
Gerund: scrooping

I scroop
you scroop
he/she/it scroops
we scroop
you scroop
they scroop
I scrooped
you scrooped
he/she/it scrooped
we scrooped
you scrooped
they scrooped
Present Continuous
I am scrooping
you are scrooping
he/she/it is scrooping
we are scrooping
you are scrooping
they are scrooping
Present Perfect
I have scrooped
you have scrooped
he/she/it has scrooped
we have scrooped
you have scrooped
they have scrooped
Past Continuous
I was scrooping
you were scrooping
he/she/it was scrooping
we were scrooping
you were scrooping
they were scrooping
Past Perfect
I had scrooped
you had scrooped
he/she/it had scrooped
we had scrooped
you had scrooped
they had scrooped
I will scroop
you will scroop
he/she/it will scroop
we will scroop
you will scroop
they will scroop
Future Perfect
I will have scrooped
you will have scrooped
he/she/it will have scrooped
we will have scrooped
you will have scrooped
they will have scrooped
Future Continuous
I will be scrooping
you will be scrooping
he/she/it will be scrooping
we will be scrooping
you will be scrooping
they will be scrooping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been scrooping
you have been scrooping
he/she/it has been scrooping
we have been scrooping
you have been scrooping
they have been scrooping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been scrooping
you will have been scrooping
he/she/it will have been scrooping
we will have been scrooping
you will have been scrooping
they will have been scrooping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been scrooping
you had been scrooping
he/she/it had been scrooping
we had been scrooping
you had been scrooping
they had been scrooping
I would scroop
you would scroop
he/she/it would scroop
we would scroop
you would scroop
they would scroop
Past Conditional
I would have scrooped
you would have scrooped
he/she/it would have scrooped
we would have scrooped
you would have scrooped
they would have scrooped
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Mentioned in ?
References in classic literature ?
I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog- kennel, vowing I hated a good book.
(19.) Campbell BC, Mitchell PJ, Kleinig TJ, Dewey HM, Churilov L, Yassi N, Yan B, Dowling RJ, Parsons MW, Oxley TJ, Wu TY, Brooks M, Simpson MA, Miteff F, Levi CR, Krause M, Harrington TJ, Faulder KC, Steinfort BS, Priglinger M, Ang T, Scroop R, Barber PA, McGuinness B, Wijeratne T, Phan TG, Chong W, Chandra RV, Bladin CF, Badve M, Rice H, de Villiers L, Ma H, Desmond PM, Donnan GA, Davis SM; EXTEND-IA Investigators.
(11.) Gore CJ, Little SC, Hahn AG, Scroop GC, Norton KI, Bourdon PC, Woolford SM, Buckley JD, Stanef T, Campbell DP, Watson DB, Emonson DL.
[14.] Sargent C, Scroop GC, Nemeth PM, Burnet RB, Buckley JD.
CREW: R Forster (2)--Skipper/Navigator, P Damp (1)--Co-skipper, J Naylor (5)--Second in charge, H Forster, R Kuijken, A Saunders (1), J Andrews (1), M Scroop (3), R Pickering
(9.) Lumb R, Stapledon R, Scroop A, Bond P, Cunliffe D, Goodwin A, et al.
And Scroop do you to Westmoreland, where shall bold York
TODAY'S SARABAND SELECTIONS CARLISLE: 2.00 Crowning Jewel (nap), 2.30 Streamtown, 3.05 Quinte Du Chatelet, 3.40 Do It For Dalkey, 4.10 Take Over Sivola, 4.45 Diamond D'Amour WOLVERHAMPTON: 2.15 Carlton Scroop, 2.45 Just Five, 3.20 Marvo, 3.55 Cape Savannah, 4.25 Strong Vigilance, 5.00 Gin Twist, 5.30 Red Trump, 6.00 Hawk Moth DOUBLE: Crowning Jewel and Do It For Dalkey
A letter from the Scottish commissioner dated April 1585, for instance, places him 'at a horse race in Liddesdale' and also on the back of 'Gray Carver', a horse of Lancelot Carlton's', the same month of his capture by English riders at the behest of Lord Scroop. (65) Shortly thereafter, Scroop himself had confirmed that the incidents in the ballad had actually transpired in the manner it depicts.