
Related to sauch: Saugh, CHUSA


(sɔːx) or


(Plants) a sallow or willow
[C15: from Old English salh]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
La excavacion efectuada permitio documentar una camara de 7 ortostatos de granito orientada al E (Hoskin y Sauch, 1999: fig.
Doon, laich doon the Dullan sings - An' I ken o' an aul' sauch tree, Where a wee loon's wahnie's hingin' yet That's dead in Picardy; An' ilka win' fae the Conval's broo Bends aye the buss o' ern, Where aince he futtled a name that noo I'll read on the Soldiers' Cairn.
The body was noticed when a Dera Sauch Sauda follower went to check the water tank.
SAUCH IT 'EM Ally Burns, middle left, takes the plaudits after his equaliser
DAVE Grusin is one of moviedom's best composers, wowing us with his work on films sauch as The Fabulous Baker Boys and The Firm.
The gossip was more interesting in Europe too, for instance an item in the London Sunday Times for August 19 which reported that a Saudi prince, Sheik Einani, had gambled away $17 million at the gaming tables in Cannes over the past month, thus squandering in a few evenings the price of one of the F-16s sent to defend the Royal Sauch house.