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(Fortifications) military a breastwork of stone or sods
[C19: from Pashto]
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References in periodicals archive ?
The animals were nine Zebus, (Plate1), eight West African Shorthorns (WASH) (Plate2) and eighteen Sangas (Plate3)
There were significant differences (P< 0.001) between the live weights with the Zebu being the heaviest, followed by the weight of the Sanga, which was not significantly different from that of the WASH (Table1).
The Zebu had the heaviest offal, followed by the Sanga and with the WASH being the least.
Again, there were no significant differences between the external carcass components (head, tail, legs and skin) of the Sanga and the WASH.
Pearson correlation (r) between carcass components of the three breeds of cattle (Sanga, WASH, Zebu)
Pearson correlation (r) between live and carcass weights and all carcass components of the Sanga Cattle
Unlike the WASH, there was a strong significant (P<0.001) positive correlations (r = 0.93) between the live and carcass weights of the Sanga (Table 6).