

vb (tr)
(Art Terms) to sketch again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"I'll resketch my drawing 500 times to check the exactness of the idea and respect the foot's architecture."
The manufacturing department would take the tabulated drawings and resketch each variant to scale to generate tool paths.
On the contrary, they both move and shift or are sketched (2) and resketched by the present being who interacts with them, always with the flavour of a new situation.
This range of attitudes and attributes informed the pictorial investigations and obsessions on view in the Bronx: the collapsing cityscapes, the brick-skinned paintings, the homoerotic fantasies of prison life and fetishized firemen, the lifesize renderings of closed bodega gates (disconcertingly hung on the wall rather than resting on the floor as the artist intended), the resketched urban-vernacular poetry (often by the great Nuyorican writer Miguel Pinero), the constellation paintings, and the kitsch-tacular Chinatown scenes.
Frequently, my design starts as a purely visual exercise expressed through line, balance, colour, texture, scale, and so forth-sketched and resketched. Naturally attuned to the visual, in Tivat I found myself dependent on my eyes to understand and interpret what was going on around me.
The team printed out the rendering, then used white out to get rid of the mistakes and resketched the correct details.