

vb (tr)
to nail again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Check the door operation to make sure it doesn't drag on the stop before you renail it.
The blonde turns out to be Melody, whom senior cop Kahnitz (Dietrich Hollinderbaumer, oozing menace and evil) blackmails into helping him renail Ben, a safecracker about to come out of jail.
3 Slide the shingles that were removed back into place and renail.
Renail right next to the old nail, leaving at least a 1/16-in.
To reset the jamb, pry away the bottom section of casing and renail the jamb (Photo 2).
Renail loose bridging and pry the legs of the "X" apart to stop the squeaks.
Renail the stop to the jamb by predrilling holes every 18 in.
2 REPLACE rotten boards and renail loose ones before pressure-washing, so you don't drive water through the siding and into the wall.
* If the door doesn't strike the stop evenly after you've adjusted it, remove the stop and renail it, using the door as a guide.
Renail in approximately the same locations as the old nails.
under wood siding (Photo 3) unless you cut the siding nails and renail later.
Don't drive the nails in all the way because you'll need to remove the molding after the door is installed and renail it to conform to the door.