

vb (tr)
to redo the lettering of (signs, headstones, etc)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Yes, he had relettered them and hoed the weeds out.
As enacted, this change will reletter sections 132(f) through (k) as sections 132(g) through (l) and renumber the relettered sections 132(i)(5) through (9) an sections 132(i)(4) through (8).
The words about my grandmother have been relettered in gold.
The Budget Act creates a refundable and enhanced real property tax "circuit breaker" credit [see new section 606(e-l) and relettered section 606(e-2)].
1985 and 1986 relettered Section 6(i) as 6(j) and lowered the threshold
Fully recolored and relettered, Agatha Awakens is the perfect gift for any comics fan who is new to Foglio's signature blend of caricature, action, drama and zesty humor!
(11) Rule 6(e) was either renumbered or relettered as Rule 6(d) in 2007 as part of the comprehensive restyling of the Rules.
12534 42136 RELETTERED (ospd) 12534 42163 LEVESSELLE 12534 42613 LEVESSELLE 12534 46213 TAZENNTATE (32) 12534 64213 PEASEWEEPS
The company was so disorganized that a connecting short-line railroad stole and relettered 352 of its boxcars and Penn Central didn't notice.
(Amendments adopted in 1985 and 1986 relettered Section 6(i) as 6(j) and lowered the threshold for notification from $7 million to $1 million.)
Summary: Within subdivision (b)(2), adds new subdivision (A) to include "identify, encourage, support, and assist statewide and local pro bono projects and activities" to the responsibilities of the standing committee; reletters accordingly.
Rule 6-3.11 renumbered to 6-3.12 and new subdivision (h), adds the judicial fellow annual fee in the listing of certification fees (actual amount of the fee is identified in BLSE Policy 2.04); relettered accordingly.