

vb (tr)
to create a new index for
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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[begin strikethrough]If the clerk is directed to include in the record a previously prepared appellate record involving the appellant, the clerk need not reindex or repaginate it.[end strikethrough]
Reindex the N securities so that the first [N.sub.BOTH] securities are in both portfolios, the next [N.sub.P] - [N.sub.BOTH] are just in the managed portfolio, and the remaining [N.sub.B] - [N.sub.BOTH] are just in the benchmark portfolio.
Rather than presenting the user with a very long list of aggregated articles and associated artefacts, a retrieval facility is much more useful if it can reindex the sub-corpus for conceptual relevance to what the user is looking for.
Reindex, letting n = l + j, and interchange the order of summation.
explanation: E' Mutually reindex memory items: M and M' two explanations.
Knowing that the carrier stops automatically checking for fraud 60 days after claim submission (despite the fact that Central Index Bureau members are required to reindex injury claimants every six months), the perpetrator submits the name of his attorney--who is engaged in the fraud ring--after 60 days.
Reindex the rows and columns of A such that [a.sub.ii] [not equal to] 0 for all i.
-- Static or dynamic structure (i.e., ability to reindex)
Reindex the sensor nodes according to the WCV traveling order (Tsp order) as (0,1,2, *** , n), where 0 represents the service station.