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1. something that is taken by force
2. the act of robbery
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References in periodicals archive ?
The company has the necessary scale today to reach a broadcast radio listener market of 275 million per month, which Reif Ehrlich said is more than twice the size of its closest competitor.
"We've proposed extensive investments in energy efficiency, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, energy storage and advanced metering technologies," said Reif. "As part of these investments, PSE&G seeks to continue bringing the benefits of energy efficiency to even more hospitals and health care facilities as well as colleges and municipalities."
Reif, 67, will still have an office at the Judicial Center and he could get called in to serve on the Oklahoma Court of Appeals or serve in another capacity for the Supreme Court.
Reif indicates that "when people of many backgrounds work together to address big human challenges--whether it's climate change or fresh water access or Alzheimer's--they come to value each other as human beings, united in a struggle larger than themselves."
"We have to move much faster educating the next generation for the new economy," Reif said in a statement.
Rafael Reif. "But it has far too little access to the kinds of tools and experts who can translate population-level data into clinical insights that could make it possible to tune care precisely for individuals.
Reif estimated that creating the new weapon would cost upwards of $100 million, a relatively small amount in the context of the United States' nuclear force investment plans, which have an estimated price tag of about $1.2 trillion over the next 30 years.
"This study is a starting point to confirm that individuals may react differently to chemicals in the environment based upon genetic profile," Reif says.
"The records did not indicate that those amounts were going to clients but rather into the law firm's operating account," Reif wrote.
Faisal Durrani, head of research at Cluttons, said, 'The increased ability of institutions and individuals to invest in income-generating real estate assets has the potential to provide a significant boost to the real estate sector in Oman, particularly since the regulations require that at least 75 per cent of REIF's assets must be invested in Oman.'
In addition, the government also recently rubber-stamped its decision to create a Real Estate Investment Fund (REIF) to further expand Oman's sources of income.