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derogatory Caribbean a poor White person
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References in periodicals archive ?
spelling) degu ged--ratlike rodent, pike fish elk cockle--wapiti or moose, bivalve gull lug--shore bird, lugworm ka yak--jackdaw (ka=kae), Himalayan ox mara ram--hare-like rodent, male sheep mare ram--farmyard pals moth tom--common insect, male cat napu Pan--chevrotain, ape genus (both W3) oi Papio --petrel, baboon genus (W) ois Asio --petrels, owl genus (Wikipedia) pupa pup--insect chrysalis, young dog redd adder--frog spawn, poisonous snake redleg gelder--various birds (W), castrated horse ree deer--female ruff (sandpiper), cervid sakis sikas--monkeys, deer sar tetras--sea bream, tropical fish sole melos--flatfish, marine snails (W) Suta catus --snake genus, cat (L.) (both Wikipedia) titi tit--S.Am.
The redleg humpback shrimp or spine shrimp Exhippolysmata oplophoroides (Holthuis, 1948) occurs from North Carolina (USA), to Uruguay (Christoffersen, 1998).
"Nope," he said, holding up the big redleg. "He don't retrieve.
5.Tony's Chippy, Sheepridge 120 votes Emma Redleg said: "I come from Bradford for their fish and chips.
The wine and spirits distributor said it has launched a ready-to-drink RedLeg Spiced rim and 1886 Cola, in collaboration with soft drink, tonic and mixer company Franklin & Sons.
He's selling a female River Rust Rump, a female Mexican Redleg and a female Common Chilli Rose Hair.
5) PFED use during walking shoot/fire support lane and static observation post operations during Redleg War
Ecosystem Management Program, Cultural Resources Inventory Survey of Previously Unsurveyed Areas, Redleg Trail Vicinity, U.S.
Richard Bailey, who lives in a poor Redleg community in Saint John in Barbados, said there is still a lot of racism against his community from the black people on the island.
Redleg Services Inc., Jon Stoltz, 1295 Stone Creek Drive.