

vb (tr)
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to crown (a king, queen, etc) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: recrowned
Gerund: recrowning

I recrown
you recrown
he/she/it recrowns
we recrown
you recrown
they recrown
I recrowned
you recrowned
he/she/it recrowned
we recrowned
you recrowned
they recrowned
Present Continuous
I am recrowning
you are recrowning
he/she/it is recrowning
we are recrowning
you are recrowning
they are recrowning
Present Perfect
I have recrowned
you have recrowned
he/she/it has recrowned
we have recrowned
you have recrowned
they have recrowned
Past Continuous
I was recrowning
you were recrowning
he/she/it was recrowning
we were recrowning
you were recrowning
they were recrowning
Past Perfect
I had recrowned
you had recrowned
he/she/it had recrowned
we had recrowned
you had recrowned
they had recrowned
I will recrown
you will recrown
he/she/it will recrown
we will recrown
you will recrown
they will recrown
Future Perfect
I will have recrowned
you will have recrowned
he/she/it will have recrowned
we will have recrowned
you will have recrowned
they will have recrowned
Future Continuous
I will be recrowning
you will be recrowning
he/she/it will be recrowning
we will be recrowning
you will be recrowning
they will be recrowning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been recrowning
you have been recrowning
he/she/it has been recrowning
we have been recrowning
you have been recrowning
they have been recrowning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been recrowning
you will have been recrowning
he/she/it will have been recrowning
we will have been recrowning
you will have been recrowning
they will have been recrowning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been recrowning
you had been recrowning
he/she/it had been recrowning
we had been recrowning
you had been recrowning
they had been recrowning
I would recrown
you would recrown
he/she/it would recrown
we would recrown
you would recrown
they would recrown
Past Conditional
I would have recrowned
you would have recrowned
he/she/it would have recrowned
we would have recrowned
you would have recrowned
they would have recrowned
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
Mazarin will spend a few of the millions he has put away; our gentlemen will perform prodigies of valor in their encounters with the proud Castilians, and many of them will return crowned with laurels, to be recrowned by us with myrtles.
If it's worn, you might want to recrown the barrel.
I would encourage you to check it closely with a magnifying glass and then possibly have a gunsmith recrown the rifle.
Even though I knew I'd have to recrown the barrel later after the liner was installed, I went ahead and used a Manson Precision crowning tool on the shortened barrel.
One is a recrown. That's not terribly expensive, and bad crowns are prevalent on factory barrels and fixing one can be like a miracle.
ITV chiefs have hatched secret plans to rescue the duo from their ailing evening Channel 4 show and recrown them king and queen of daytime telly.
Start with an adjustable-sighted Freedom Arms .50AE; round butt the grip frame; cut the barrel to 4 1/2"; recrown and solidly re-mount the front sight with an Allen screw; round off all sharp edges; engrave the frame, barrel and cylinder, and you'll get a devil of a sixgun known as Lucifer's Hammer.
I'm planning to cut the barrel off and recrown it to fix the problem and need all the input I can get.
Agonizing for a night, I reasoned that since the rifle has a refinished stock, I would send it to Elk Meadow Performance ( to be recrowned. While waiting, I handloaded a batch of 168-grain Sierra MatchKing bullets.