

vb (intr)
rare to breed again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Isaac Michael, director of the Society for the Development of Community and a pig breeder, told Egypt Today on Saturday that the pig keepers are currently preparing to rebreed pigs in order to reduce garbage.
To maintain a calving interval of 365 day, a cow must rebreed within 80 to 85 days after calving.
(1997) reported that first calvers took 194 days to rebreed while multiple parity Sahiwals had average days open of153 days.
"We're at a point where perhaps we could rebreed the rose scent back into the flowers with all the petals," he says.
A brood cow whose calf is creep fed will rebreed more quickly and require less feed to rebuild her body reserves if she lost weight during the time she was with the calf.
However, if an infection occurred when the uterus was replaced, the cow may be slow to rebreed or may not breed back at all.
Determining if a ewe is open or pregnant helps you rebreed open ewes quickly or cull open ewes at the best time.
Contrarily, cows calving in autumn face cooler months of winter after calving so rebreed earlier due to comfortable season.
The first litter is frequently aborted, or reabsorbed, and the female will rebreed with the new male.
None failed to rebreed. We did find that fall-born ewe lambs usually would not breed their first spring.
Cows experiencing dystocia produce less milk and rebreed later than those that give birth more easily.