

to accent again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: reaccented
Gerund: reaccenting

I reaccent
you reaccent
he/she/it reaccents
we reaccent
you reaccent
they reaccent
I reaccented
you reaccented
he/she/it reaccented
we reaccented
you reaccented
they reaccented
Present Continuous
I am reaccenting
you are reaccenting
he/she/it is reaccenting
we are reaccenting
you are reaccenting
they are reaccenting
Present Perfect
I have reaccented
you have reaccented
he/she/it has reaccented
we have reaccented
you have reaccented
they have reaccented
Past Continuous
I was reaccenting
you were reaccenting
he/she/it was reaccenting
we were reaccenting
you were reaccenting
they were reaccenting
Past Perfect
I had reaccented
you had reaccented
he/she/it had reaccented
we had reaccented
you had reaccented
they had reaccented
I will reaccent
you will reaccent
he/she/it will reaccent
we will reaccent
you will reaccent
they will reaccent
Future Perfect
I will have reaccented
you will have reaccented
he/she/it will have reaccented
we will have reaccented
you will have reaccented
they will have reaccented
Future Continuous
I will be reaccenting
you will be reaccenting
he/she/it will be reaccenting
we will be reaccenting
you will be reaccenting
they will be reaccenting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been reaccenting
you have been reaccenting
he/she/it has been reaccenting
we have been reaccenting
you have been reaccenting
they have been reaccenting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been reaccenting
you will have been reaccenting
he/she/it will have been reaccenting
we will have been reaccenting
you will have been reaccenting
they will have been reaccenting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been reaccenting
you had been reaccenting
he/she/it had been reaccenting
we had been reaccenting
you had been reaccenting
they had been reaccenting
I would reaccent
you would reaccent
he/she/it would reaccent
we would reaccent
you would reaccent
they would reaccent
Past Conditional
I would have reaccented
you would have reaccented
he/she/it would have reaccented
we would have reaccented
you would have reaccented
they would have reaccented
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
But in order to highlight the contrast between Douglas and Daniel, Marvell must reaccent the language of heroic praise and tamper with truth itself.
search for the meaning in the language, dress, music, and dancers' styles rising out of today's ghettos, as well as the social and economic context in which styles are created, contested and reaccented. Once we abandon decontextualized labels like "nihilism" or "outlaw culture" we might discover a lot more Malcolm X's ...