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a method of monitoring the speed and direction of winds in the upper atmosphere using radar and a balloon
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References in periodicals archive ?
(16.) See Norman Rawin, A House of Words: Jewish Writing Identity and Memory (Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997).
For PSD, the line-up includes Khalid Rawin Malo, Ivan Royce Flores, Randge Jeric Abastillas, Al-Jasem Reyes, Nimrod Concepcion Gison, Marcus Louie Salamat Vega, Andrei Querido, Karl Cristofer Mitra, Lowell Bannedo, Al-Mardrin Tan Quimba, Emmanuel Pilapil and Steven Rozz.
Pierre Anctil, Norman Rawin, and Sherry Simon, 93-102.