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(Geological Science) a type of red marble, often with white or blue graining, that comes from Belgium
[C19: apparently from French ranche rod, pole]
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References in classic literature ?
Arthur William Rance, one of the American savants, seated himself in the great gallery, and Monsieur Robert Darzac led Mademoiselle Stangerson into the conservatory.
Rance, who was talking with much animation, his eyes, during the conversation, glowing with a singular brightness.
The driver, identified as 30-year-old Oliver Rances, was arrested along Bayanihan Extension Street, Barangay 181, Maricaban in Pasay City around 2:00 am, according to a police report.
Rances said the boat captain and 10 crewmembers could not present documents for their cargo.
Series creator Jeremy Slater revealed that they wanted to introduce a new kind of family that will have an entirely different dynamic compared to the Rances.
SAN DIEGO -- Army reservist Dennis Rances had a general idea of how he would spend Veterans Day with his military friends, and none of it required money.
"Air freshener makers may be trying too hard with new and adventurous frag- rances, which some people say are more objectionable than the smells they disguise."
Performing arts director Tess Rances leads the latter group.
Charlie Rances, commanding officer of BRP Malabrigo, said.
ACC Philippine program director Teresa Rances said, 'With additional funds from our gracious sponsors and assistance from ACC New York, we were able to provide grants to five exceptional individuals and one entire organization in 2015.
"The Exorcist" episodes 7 to 10 will also center on Marcus' struggles and his contribution in helping the Rances find Casey.
The neighbors of the Rances have also grown concerned over the kidnapping and the deaths of the some of the residents.