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(ræˈbəʊnaɪ; ræˈbəʊnɪ)
a respectful Jewish title or form of address (usually given to a rabbi) meaning master
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References in periodicals archive ?
In South Africa came the news that a pastor, Lesego Daniel, leader of the Rabboni Centre Ministries, near Pretoria, made his congregants chew grass growing on the lawn, and later made them drink petrol, claiming that it could miraculously turn into fruit juice.
Rabboni Francis Arjonillo, president of First Metro Investment Corporation (FMIC), cautioned that while the Philippines will be less affected by the trade war in terms of trade in goods, consumption may be hit as several OFWs are in danger of losing their jobs overseas as the economies because of the slowdown in the economies of several host countries.
Rabboni Francis Arjonillo, FMIC president, said he hoped the Philippines' sovereign credit grade would be upgraded to 'A' during Mr.
With these developments, FMIC President Rabboni Francis Arjonillo said they would also like to see an 'A' credit rating happen before the President steps down from office in 2022.
(FMIC) President Rabboni Francis Arjonillo yesterday said the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), after deciding to reduce RRR by 200 bps in tranches until end-July, is not done yet and will likely slash the reserves ratio by another two percent before 2019 ends.
Only when Jesus spoke her name,"Mary", did she recognise her Lord."Rabboni"she whispered (John 20.16).
They see their involvement in the economic rise of China not confined to financing big-ticket projects but essential to nation building," First Metro president Rabboni Francis Arjonillo said.
Di Brazza, Fabiana, Ilvano Caliaro, Roberto Norbedo, Renzo Rabboni, Matteo Venier (a cura di) Udine: Forum, 2016.451-457.
If the woman called Veronica represents the Jewish women who followed Jesus as named in the gospels, then she knew him as someone who is extraordinary: rabboni, healer, miracle worker.
Grass eating is a key spiritual practice at least to worshippers of Rabboni Centre Ministries in Ga-Rankuwa, North Pretoria.
Summary: Smara - The Sheikhs and dignitaries of the Rguibat-Sellam tribe in Smara called upon the international community and human rights watchdogs to immediately intervene in order to release all the population held captive in the Dhibia prison in the Rabboni region, near Tindouf.