
Also found in: Acronyms.


obsolete the manner or way (of doing something)
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References in classic literature ?
In a word, to hint at no more reasons for his conduct, Mr Northerton was desirous of departing that evening, and nothing remained for him but to contrive the quomodo, which appeared to be a matter of some difficulty.
natura angelica vel saxea; quomodo poteram non amare eum qui me tam
6, 3 in Migne, Patrologia Graeca 13:242: "Verum et quae constituuntur viduae in ecclesiis, si sanctorum 'inquit, pedes lavit.' Si autem vis apertius audire, quomodo, vidua lavat pedes sanctorum, audi Paulum in alio loco constituentem viduis et dicentem; bene docentes ut pudicas efficiant adulescentulas lavantes sordes pedum iuvencularum.
Il riscontro e la praticabilita della forma sono rimessi alla discrezionalita del Vescovo quanto al quomodo e al quando ma non quanto all 'an.
In Expositions on the Book of Psalms (Enarrationes in Psalmos), in the commentary on Psalm 141, Augustine asks: 'Quomodo, inquies, ex quadam parte iustus, ex quadam parte peccator?' (55)--'How, you will say, [can a person be] just in one part, a sinner in another part?' (56) For the following analysis, I am indebted to Daphne Hampson's excellent book Christian Contradictions: The Structures of Lutheran and Catholic Thought, which contrasts the Catholic and Lutheran approaches to this question, for as I intend to show in the remainder of the article, the poet's position seems to evince a reworking of Augustinian thought along the very same lines that were later to be adopted by the Augustinian monk Martin Luther.
"'You've never been to Tenebrae, I suppose?' 'Never.' 'Well, if you had you'd know what the Jews felt about their temple, Quomodo sedet sola civitas [she is quoting the Latin]...
These involved organ improvisations and chorale preludes, sympathetically and appropriately delivered here by Alexander Mason, congregational hymns, and a sermon, here represented by Jill Robinson's sensitive reading from Ben Okri's "Is time exhausted?" Proceedings were topped and tailed with motets, ending with the traditional funeral Ecce quomodo moritur justus by Jacob Handl.
One thinks, for example, of Cattus Petasatus, Quomodo invidiosulus nomine Grinchus Christi natalem abrogavit, Winnie ille Pu, Alicia in terra mirabili, and of course Harrius Potter et philosophi lapis.