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(in SE Asia) a sharpened bamboo stake, sometimes tipped with poison, hidden at the bottom of a camouflaged hole that forms a trap
vb (tr) , -jies, -jiing or -jied
to fortify with punji stakes
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Napalm, Huey, Charlie, War Protestors, ARVN, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Beaucoup, Body Count, The Doors, Punji Stakes, B-52, Tunnel Rats, Agent Orange ...
The water was tight but the deep brush vast; I knew there would be a hunt after the hunt in the thick willows studded with pointed beaver-cut punji sticks waiting to stab feet.
He also underlined the need for timely completion of construction work on Punji bridge to facilitate masses of the adjoin areas and directed the secretary works to prepare soon in this regard.
The camp had 40 makeshift huts and around 100 pieces of punji sticks (sharpened stakes).
'Jama Punji' is an initiative undertaken by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), the apex regulator, to provide information (mainly to small investors) about the pros and cons of putting their money in the capital market, pension funds, mutual funds, real estate investment trust, leasing companies, investment banks and bonds.
Rocks thrust upward through the earth's crust, often shattered, unstable leg-breakers and ankle-busters; old aircraft wreckage featuring violently torn knife-edged scrap teeming with tetanus; the corpses of giant trees felled by lightning or disease, their sharp, splintered bones sticking up like huge punji stakes to skewer you like a kebab, or the worst: Naturally-occurring sinkholes with steep, slick, crumbling sides falling sometimes a 100 feet or more below ground-level to a pit of sodden death-rot; a soup of fermenting bacteria and miasmic vapors, slow-cooking incautious animals--and men.
It contained quite a bit of water, and some of the remaining stumps were sizable, but others were thin, sharp at the top and about a foot to 18 inches tall, like a series of punji sticks in an Asian tiger trap.
The MOU was signed at the SECP Head Office in Islamabad as part of SECP's investor education program launched under the brand name "Jama Punji".
"Amlapali, Nuapada, (part of former Kalahandi district) nine years after Phanas Punji 'sold' her fourteen year old sister-in-law Banita to the nearly blind Bidya Podh for Rs 40/- the lives of all the actors in the drama remain largely unchanged.
The constituencies and the nominees are Sagalee - Chief Minister Nabam Tuki, Mukto - Tourism Minister Pema Khandu; Nacho - RD Minister Tanga Byaling; Pakke-Kessang - former CM Kameng Dolo, Mebo - former minister Lombo Tayeng, Seppa West - newcomer Mama Natung, Dirang, Doimukh, Palin, Nyapin and Taliha contested by outgoing MLAs Phurpa Tsering, Nabam Rebia, Takam Pario, Bamang Felix and Punji Mara respectively, according to Nirvachan Bhawan release.