

(prəˈpon; -ˈpəʊn)
(Law) Scot to propose or put forward, esp before a court
[C14: from Latin prōpōnere to propose]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -poned, -pon•ing. Scot.
1. to propose.
2. to present before a court.
[1325–75; Middle English < Latin prōpōnere to set forth]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: proponed
Gerund: proponing

I propone
you propone
he/she/it propones
we propone
you propone
they propone
I proponed
you proponed
he/she/it proponed
we proponed
you proponed
they proponed
Present Continuous
I am proponing
you are proponing
he/she/it is proponing
we are proponing
you are proponing
they are proponing
Present Perfect
I have proponed
you have proponed
he/she/it has proponed
we have proponed
you have proponed
they have proponed
Past Continuous
I was proponing
you were proponing
he/she/it was proponing
we were proponing
you were proponing
they were proponing
Past Perfect
I had proponed
you had proponed
he/she/it had proponed
we had proponed
you had proponed
they had proponed
I will propone
you will propone
he/she/it will propone
we will propone
you will propone
they will propone
Future Perfect
I will have proponed
you will have proponed
he/she/it will have proponed
we will have proponed
you will have proponed
they will have proponed
Future Continuous
I will be proponing
you will be proponing
he/she/it will be proponing
we will be proponing
you will be proponing
they will be proponing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been proponing
you have been proponing
he/she/it has been proponing
we have been proponing
you have been proponing
they have been proponing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been proponing
you will have been proponing
he/she/it will have been proponing
we will have been proponing
you will have been proponing
they will have been proponing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been proponing
you had been proponing
he/she/it had been proponing
we had been proponing
you had been proponing
they had been proponing
I would propone
you would propone
he/she/it would propone
we would propone
you would propone
they would propone
Past Conditional
I would have proponed
you would have proponed
he/she/it would have proponed
we would have proponed
you would have proponed
they would have proponed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
"Frutos de mi tierra: un puente entre las narraciones literaria y periodistica de Medellin", es la lectura que nos propone Cesar Alzate Vargas.
Se propone como un espacio de intercambio academico y difusion de los resultados de investigaciones de caracter teorico y empirico, desde una perspectiva disciplinar y transdisciplinar que privilegia aquellos aportes que con un enfoque critico aborden temas en directa relacion con problematicas socioculturales.
Theodor Dieter (Premio Ratzinger 2017) busca las causas de la division de la Iglesia producida por la Reforma en ambas vertientes confesionales, y propone el eje del dialogo teologico en torno a las cuestiones justificacion--Eucaristia--ministerio--Escritura--Tradicion, en la linea propuesta en el documento del dialogo bilateral titulado Del conflicto a la comunion, de 2013, publicado como preparacion de los quinientos anos del inicio de la Reforma en 2017 (cfr.
Ademas, tambien mantiene que la certeza witgensteiniana es innecesaria para vencer al esceptico y propone una estrategia anti-esceptica basada en una explicacion falibilista del conocimiento acompanada de una explicacion holista y pragmatica de la justificacion.
Se suma entonces a la vasta produccion critica dedicada al autor este libro que el poeta y critico espanol titulo Borges en la ciudad de los inmortales y que propone pensar al argentino y a su obra en relacion con la idea de inmortalidad.