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Related to private: Private bank


a. Secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others: a private hideaway.
b. Designed or intended for one's exclusive use: a private room.
a. Of or confined to the individual; personal: a private joke; private opinions.
b. Undertaken on an individual basis: private studies; private research.
c. Of, relating to, or receiving special hospital services and privileges: a private patient.
3. Not available for public use, control, or participation: a private club; a private party.
a. Belonging to a particular person or persons, as opposed to the public or the government: private property.
b. Of, relating to, or derived from nongovernment sources: private funding.
c. Conducted and supported primarily by individuals or groups not affiliated with governmental agencies or corporations: a private college; a private sanatorium.
d. Enrolled in or attending a private school: a private student.
5. Capitalized in shares of stock that are held by a relatively small number of owners and are not traded on the open market: a private company; a company that went private; took a company private.
6. Not holding an official or public position: a private citizen.
a. Not for public knowledge or disclosure; secret: private papers; a private communication.
b. Not appropriate for use or display in public; intimate: private behavior; a private tragedy.
c. Placing a high value on personal privacy: a private person.
a. A noncommissioned rank in the US Army or Marine Corps that is below private first class.
b. One who holds this rank or a similar rank in a military organization.
2. privates Private parts. Often used with the.
go private
To take a publicly owned company into private ownership, as by a leveraged buyout.
in private
Not in public; secretly or confidentially.

[Middle English privat, from Latin prīvātus, not in public life, past participle of prīvāre, to release, deprive, from prīvus, single, alone; see per in Indo-European roots.]

pri′vate·ly adv.
pri′vate·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. not widely or publicly known: they had private reasons for the decision.
2. confidential; secret: a private conversation.
3. not for general or public use: a private bathroom.
4. (prenominal) individual; special: my own private recipe.
5. (prenominal) having no public office, rank, etc: a private man.
6. (Military) (prenominal) denoting a soldier of the lowest military rank: a private soldier.
7. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) of, relating to, or provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body: the private sector; private housing.
8. (of a place) retired; sequestered; not overlooked
9. (of a person) reserved; uncommunicative
10. in private in secret; confidentially
(Military) a soldier of the lowest rank, sometimes separated into qualification grades, in many armies and marine corps: private first class.
[C14: from Latin prīvātus belonging to one individual, withdrawn from public life, from prīvāre to deprive, bereave]
ˈprivately adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈpraɪ vɪt)

1. belonging to some particular person or persons: private property.
2. pertaining to or affecting a particular person or a small group of persons: for your private satisfaction.
3. confined to or intended only for the person or persons immediately concerned: a private communication.
4. not holding public office or employment: private citizens.
5. not of an official or public character: to return to private life.
6. removed from or out of public view or knowledge; personal; secret: private papers.
7. not open or accessible to the general public: a private beach.
8. undertaken or operated independently: private research.
9. working as an independent individual: a private detective.
10. solitary; secluded.
11. preferring privacy; retiring.
12. a soldier of one of the three lowest enlisted ranks.
13. privates, private parts.
in private, not publicly; secretly.
[1350–1400; Middle English < Latin prīvātus restricted, private, orig. past participle of prīvāre to deprive, rob (compare deprive); see -ate1]
pri′vate•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • closet - First denoted a private or small room.
  • privilege - Derives from Latin privus, "private," and leg/lex, "law."
  • privity - The state of being private or secret.
  • secretary - Comes from Latin, meaning "confidential officer," and first denoted a person, such as a confidant, entrusted with private or secret matters; it should be pronounced SEK-ruh-tair-ee.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.private - an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the Army or Marinesprivate - an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the Army or Marines; "our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value"
enlisted man - a male enlisted person in the armed forces
Adj.1.private - confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy; "a private place"; "private discussions"; "private lessons"; "a private club"; "a private secretary"; "private property"; "the former President is now a private citizen"; "public figures struggle to maintain a private life"
esoteric - confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle; "a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories"
personal - concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality; "a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "I have something personal to tell you"; "a personal God"; "he has his personal bank account and she has hers"
public - not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures"
2.private - concerning things deeply private and personal; "private correspondence"; "private family matters"
personal - concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality; "a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "I have something personal to tell you"; "a personal God"; "he has his personal bank account and she has hers"
3.private - concerning one person exclusively; "we all have individual cars"; "each room has a private bath"
personal - concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality; "a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "I have something personal to tell you"; "a personal God"; "he has his personal bank account and she has hers"
4.private - not expressed; "secret (or private) thoughts"
inward - relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts; "a concern with inward reflections"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. nonpublic, independent, commercial, privatised, private-enterprise, denationalized a joint venture with private industry
2. exclusive, individual, privately owned, own, special, particular, reserved He has had to sell his private plane.
exclusive public, general, common
3. secret, confidential, covert, inside, closet, unofficial, privy (archaic), clandestine, off the record, hush-hush (informal), in camera He held a private meeting with the country's political party leaders.
secret public, known, open, official, revealed, disclosed
4. personal, individual, secret, hidden, intimate, undisclosed, unspoken, innermost, unvoiced I've always kept my private and professional life separate. He hardly ever betrayed his private thoughts.
5. secluded, secret, separate, isolated, concealed, retired, sequestered, not overlooked It was the only reasonably private place they could find to talk.
secluded busy, frequented, bustling, unsecluded
7. unofficial, personal, non-official The President is here on a private visit.
1. enlisted man (U.S.), tommy (Brit. informal), private soldier, Tommy Atkins (Brit. informal), squaddie or squaddy (Brit. slang) The rest of the gunners in the battery were privates.
in private in secret, privately, personally, behind closed doors, in camera, between ourselves, confidentially I think we should discuss this in private.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Belonging to, relating to, or affecting a particular person:
2. Belonging or confined to a particular person or group as opposed to the public or the government:
3. Known about by very few:
Informal: hush-hush.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
جُنْدي عاديخاصخُصُوصِّيفَرْدي ، شَخْصي
asmeninės pajamosatskirumaprie keturių akiųprivačiaiprivatus verslas
navaden vojakzasebenzaupno
riêng tư


1. (= not public) [conversation, visit, land, matter] → privado; [letter, reason, opinion] → personal; [language] → secreto; [thoughts, grief, fantasy] → íntimo
it was a private wedding; the wedding was privatela boda se celebró en la intimidad
"private" (on door) → privado; (on envelope) → confidencial
"private and confidential"confidencial
"private fishing"coto m de pesca
"private parking"aparcamiento m or (LAm) estacionamiento m privado
it's a silly private joke of ourses un chiste tonto que sólo nosotras entendemos
to keep sth private [+ beliefs] → no hablar de algo; [+ opinions, views, doubts] → guardarse algo, reservarse algo
I have always kept my political beliefs privatenunca he hablado de mis ideas políticas
he was diagnosed with AIDS in 1994 but kept it privateen 1994 le diagnosticaron SIDA pero lo mantuvo en secreto
I want to keep this privatequiero que esto quede entre nosotros
I've always tried to keep my private life private [famous person] → siempre he intentado mantener mi vida privada alejada de la mirada del público; [ordinary person] → siempre he intentado mantener mi vida privada fuera del alcance de los demás
to be in private ownershipser propiedad privada
he's a very private persones una persona muy reservada
see also strictly 3
2. (= own, individual) [car, house, lesson, room] → particular; [bank account] → personal
76 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms76 habitaciones, cada una con su baño particular
in a or one's private capacitya título personal
for your private informationúnicamente para su información
for private usepara el uso personal
3. (= independent) [medicine, education, finance] → privado; [school] → privado, particular; [patient, tutor, teacher] → particular
a private hospitaluna clínica (privada)un hospital privado or particular
he decided to take on private pupilsdecidió dar clases particulares
to go private [patient] → ir por lo privado; [dentist, doctor] → establecerse de forma privada; [company] → dejar de cotizar en bolsa
4. (= secluded) [place] → retirado
is there somewhere we can be private?¿hay algún sitio donde podamos hablar en privado?
B. N
1. (Mil) → soldado mf raso
Private Jonesel soldado Jones
Private Jones!¡Jones!
in private: could I talk to you in private?¿te puedo hablar en privado?
I have been told in private thatme han dicho confidencialmente or en confianza que ...
the committee sat in privatela comisión se reunió a puerta(s) cerrada(s) or en privado
the wedding was held in privatela boda se celebró en la intimidad
what people do in private is up to themlo que cada uno haga en su vida privada es asunto suyo
3. privatespartes fpl pudendas
C. CPD private citizen N (Jur) → particular mf
private company Nempresa f privada, compañía f privada
private detective Ndetective mf privado/a
private enterprise N (= industry) → el sector privado; (= initiative) → la iniciativa privada
new employment laws which will hamper private enterprisenuevas leyes fpl laborales que van a dificultar el crecimiento del sector privado
private enterprise economy Neconomía f capitalista, economía f de mercado
private eye N (US) → detective mf privado/a
private finance initiative N (Brit) plan de incentivos y potenciación de la iniciativa privada en el sector público
private health care Nservicio m médico privado
private health insurance Nseguro m médico privado
private hearing N (Jur) → vista f a puertas cerradas
private hotel Nhotel m privado
private income Nrentas fpl
private individual N (Jur) → particular mf
private investigator Ninvestigador(a) m/f privado/a
private law Nderecho m privado
private life Nvida f privada
in private lifeen su vida privada
private limited company Nsociedad f limitada
private line N (Telec) → línea f particular
private means NPLrentas fpl
a man of private meansun hombre que vive de sus rentas
private member, Private Member N (Brit) (Parl) → diputado/a m/f sin responsabilidades de gobierno
Private Member's Bill N proyecto de ley presentado por un diputado a título personal
to introduce a Private Member's Billpresentar un proyecto de ley a título personal
private parts NPL (euph, hum) → partes fpl pudendas
private patient Npaciente mf privado/a
private pension Npensión f personal
private pension plan Nplan m de pensiones personal
private pension scheme N = private pension plan private practice N (Med) → consulta f privada
to be in private practice (Med) → ejercer la medicina de forma privada
he decided to set up in private practicedecidió establecerse como médico privado
private property Npropiedad f privada
private property rights NPLderechos mpl de propiedad
private prosecution N (Jur) → demanda f civil
to bring a private prosecution against sbpresentar una demanda civil contra algn
private school Nescuela f privada, escuela f particular
private secretary Nsecretario/a m/f particular
the private sector Nel sector privado
private soldier Nsoldado mf raso
private view, private viewing Nvisita f privada (a una exposición)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= not public) [hospital, club, industry] → privé(e) private education, private ownership, private practice
[event, talk, interview, ceremony] → privé(e)
(= personal) [papers, belongings] → privé(e); [feelings, plans, thoughts] → privé(e); [life, affairs] → privé(e)
private papers → documents privés
in his private life → dans le privé
"private" (on envelope)"personnel"
[place] → privé(e)
[house, car, lesson] → particulier/ière
I have private lessons → Je prends des cours particuliers.
a private bathroom → une salle de bain individuelle
[person] (= quiet) → secret/ète
He is a very private person → Il est très secret.
(= soldier) → soldat m de deuxième classe
in private → en privé private hearingprivate detective ndétective m privéprivate education nenseignement m privéprivate enterprise nentreprise f privéeprivate eye nprivé mprivate hearing naudience f à huis closprivate investigator ndétective m privéprivate joke nplaisanterie f pour initiésprivate limited company n (British)société f à responsabilité limitée
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


privat; (= personal) letter, reasonspersönlich, privat; (= confidential) matter, affairvertraulich; conversation, meeting, interviewprivat, vertraulich; (= secluded) placeabgelegen; dining roomseparat; (= not public) funeral, weddingim engsten Kreis; hearing, sittingnicht öffentlich, nichtöffentlich; they were sharing a private jokesie fanden irgend etwas lustig; it’s just a private joke between usdas ist ein Privatwitz von uns; no private jokes!lass uns auch mitlachen!; private and confidentialstreng vertraulich; he acted in a private capacityer handelte als Privatperson; they wanted to be privatesie wollten allein or für sich sein; to keep something privateetw für sich behalten; his private lifesein Privatleben nt; in his private thoughtsin seinen ganz persönlichen Gedanken
private branch exchange (Brit Telec) → Nebenstellenanlage f; private carPrivatwagen m; private citizenPrivatperson f; private educationAusbildung fin Privatschulen; private health insuranceprivate Krankenversicherung; private individualEinzelne(r) mf; private lawPrivatrecht nt; private limited company˜ Aktiengesellschaft f (die nicht an der Börse notiert ist); private meansPrivatvermögen nt; private pupilPrivatschüler(in) m(f); private soldier (Mil) → gemeiner or einfacher Soldat; private treatmentPrivatbehandlung f; private tutorPrivatlehrer(in) m(f); private wardPrivatabteilung or -station f
(= withdrawn, reserved) personreserviert, zurückhaltend
(Mil) → Gefreite(r) mf; Private Xder Gefreite X; (in address) → Gefreiter X; private first class (US) → Obergefreite(r) mf
privates pl (= genitals)Geschlechtsteile pl
in privateprivat; (Jur) → unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit; we must talk in privatewir müssen das unter uns besprechen


private company
nPrivatgesellschaft f
private detective
nPrivatdetektiv(in) m(f)
private enterprise
nPrivatunternehmen nt; (= free enterprise)freies Unternehmertum


private eye
n (inf)Privatdetektiv(in) m(f), → Schnüffler(in) m(f) (pej inf)
Private Finance Initiative
n (Brit Pol) Regierungsprogramm zur Privatfinanzierung öffentlicher Projekte
private hotel
nPrivathotel nt
private investigator
nPrivatdetektiv(in) m(f)


private member
n (Brit Parl) → Abgeordnete(r) mf (der/die nicht der Regierung angehört); private’s billGesetzesinitiative feines Abgeordneten
private parts
pl (= genitals)Geschlechtsteile pl ? also private N b
private patient
nPrivatpatient(in) m(f)
private pension scheme
nPrivatrente f
private practice
n (Brit) → Privatpraxis f; he is in privateer hat Privatpatienten
private property
private prosecution
n (Jur) → Zivilklage f
private school
nPrivatschule f
private secretary
nPrivatsekretär(in) m(f)
private sector
private-sector company
private tuition
private view
nVorabbesichtigung f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj
a. (not public, conversation, meeting, land) → privato/a; (funeral, wedding) → in forma privata; (showing) → a inviti; (confidential, letter) → personale; (agreement, information) → confidenziale
"private" (on door) → "privato" (on envelope) → "riservata"
this information must be kept private → quest'informazione deve rimanere strettamente confidenziale
he is a very private person → è una persona molto riservata
in (his) private life → nella vita privata
private place → posto segreto
private hearing (Law) → udienza a porte chiuse
b. (for one person, car, house, secretary) → privato/a, personale; (lessons) → privato/a; (personal, bank account, reasons) → personale
a man of private means → un uomo che vive di rendita
c. (not state-owned, company, army) → privato/a; (doctor, nursing home) → non convenzionato/a, privato/a
2. n
a. (Mil) → soldato semplice
b. in private = privately a, b
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈpraivət) adjective
1. of, for, or belonging to, one person or group, not to the general public. The headmaster lives in a private apartment in the school; in my private (=personal) opinion; This information is to be kept strictly private; You shouldn't listen to private conversations.
2. having no public or official position or rank. It is your duty as a private citizen to report this matter to the police.
in the army, an ordinary soldier, not an officer.
privacy (ˈprivəsi) , ((American) ˈprai-) noun
the state of being away from other people's sight or interest. in the privacy of your own home.
ˈprivately adverb
private enterprise
the management and financing of industry etc by individual persons or companies and not by the state.
private means
money that does not come from one's work but from investment, inheritance etc.
in private
with no-one else listening or watching; not in public. May I speak to you in private?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


خُصُوصِّي soukromý privat privat ιδιωτικός privado yksityinen privé privatan privato 個人的な 사적인 privé privat prywatny privado частный privat ที่เป็นส่วนตัว özel riêng tư 私密的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. privado-a, particular, exclusivo-a;
___ hospitalclínica;
___ practiceconsulta particular;
___ roomcuarto ___;
-lyadv. privadamente.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj privado, íntimo; — doctor médico -ca mf privado; — parts (fam) genitales mpl, partes íntimas (fam)
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Bobby, the Captain of a dhoni, with Private Dormer for mate, dropped down the river on Thursday morning - the Private at the bow, the Subaltern at the helm.
A DISHONEST Gain was driving in its luxurious carriage through its private park, when it saw something which frantically and repeatedly ran against a stone wall, endeavouring to butt out its brains.
She confided nothing to my private ear but the expression of her best thanks.
But modern bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of the many by the few.
But when it came to the twenty-six officers and the private, their knees were so weak that they could not walk a step.
It is immoral to use private property in order to alleviate the horrible evils that result from the institution of private property.
"And do you think that sort of private knowledge consistent with the official position you occupy?"
The owner of one of them has private lessons; she pays extra.
Besides, counsellors are not commonly so united, but that one counsellor, keepeth sentinel over another; so that if any do counsel out of faction or private ends, it commonly comes to the king's ear.
Questioned as to certain private conversations which had passed between her late daughter-in-law and herself, she declared that Mrs.
Before I proceed to give an account of my leaving this kingdom, it may be proper to inform the reader of a private intrigue which had been for two months forming against me.
"We are a handful of private citizens of America, traveling simply