

to stamp in advance
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There were 637 individuals surveyed, of whom 179 were current smokers; 95 in the "prestamp" group and 84 in the "poststamp" group.
After completing the surveys, 209 employees returned their responses directly to the researchers using a prestamped return envelope (response rate = 82.3%).
To minimize the amount of patient information shared during this study, individual clinics took responsibility for applying patient names and addresses to prestamped envelopes.
The Coldplay band: Eight prestamped local postcards to send to family members.
OSCE election observers are often the first to witness prestamped ballots, manipulated voters' logs or block voting, in which members of a group are pressured to vote one way based on their affiliation with the group.
Postal Service in a prestamped, preaddressed envelope.
Participants were also provided with a prestamped, preaddressed envelope for the return of the actigraphy bracelet after 72 hours.
Children also should be given materials - such as pre addressed, prestamped envelopes and notebook paper - to write letters to home.
The primary researcher initiated contact with prospective participants by mailing a packet containing an informed consent form, a thorough description of the study, a biographical questionnaire, and a prestamped envelope so that the participant could return the documentation needed to begin the study.
We asked each person to read the consent form and if he or she wished to participate, sign the form in the presence of a friend or family member, who also needed to sign it, and return it in the provided prestamped and addressed envelope.