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a preliminary rinse before further treatment
vb (tr)
to give (something) a preliminary rinse before further treatment
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The other parameters used were as follows: sample volume 4.0 mL, dilution 1 : 2, acid volume 1.0 mL, reagent volume 1.0 mL, UV reactor prerinse volume 5.0 mL, ICS sparge time 1 min, and detector sweep flow 500 mL/min and the system flow was 200 mL/min.
The kitchen hot-water circuit served one commercial rack dishwasher, two prerinse spray wands, 13 sinks (ranging in size from simple lavatory [hand-wash] sinks to large 78 gal (265 L) pot and equipment wash sinks), a mop bucket sink, and an assortment of other small fixtures and attachments.
A pairwise comparison revealed that the number of CFUs was the lowest in group 3, i.e., topical application of hydrogen peroxide followed by chlorhexidine prerinse when compared with the lone usage of chlorhexidine and saline.
Next, do a prerinse with plain water to remove surface dust and grit.
In addition, the Department of Energy has established minimum energy conservation standards for more than 50 categories of residential, commercial, and industrial appliances and equipment, including standards for several categories of appliances and devices that also specify maximum water use standards (showerheads and faucets; toilets and urinals; residential and commercial clothes washers; residential dishwashers; and prerinse spray valves).
In April 2005, CSCA Facilities Director George Helm began implementing a conservation program, first by outfitting prerinse sprayers in the schools' kitchens and fixtures in its bathrooms with water-saving devices to conserve more than 360,000 gallons of water every year.
The handle can be filled with an antiplaque prerinse for the toothbrush, a mouthwash for the tongue brush and fluoride after-rinse for the oral irrigator tip.
"If you have a low-solids type environment where you've also been able to get rid of a lot of the solids loosened in the prerinse, you can often reuse the wash solution," he says.
However, step-by-step, low-cost energy conservation measures (ECMs), such as low-flow prerinse spray valves in the dishroom and high-efficiency motors for evaporator fans in walk-in coolers, can be implemented.
If you feel the need to prerinse, use only water--no soap.
Del's complete pediculosis treatment kit contains shampoo spray, comb, prerinse packettes, gloves, a magnifier and a hair separator.