

occurring before or in the lead-up to death; of or pertaining to the period immediately prior to death
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Finally, we included quartile of predeath spending in our match and reran primary and secondary outcomes.
But other than that predeath injury, the bones were whole.
Four principal themes emerged in relation to the aims of this study: (1) cognitive impairment as a threat to perceived identity and role, (2) predeath grief and feelings of loss in carers of people with PD and cognitive impairment, (3) success and challenges to coping in people with PD, and (4) problem-focused coping and finding meaning in caring.
The use of the $5 million valuation would give rise to a $5 million tax basis, subsequently enabling the taxpayer's heirs to experience a smaller taxable gain, a larger deductible loss, or more robust depreciation deductions in comparison to the predeath gift scenario.
Bass and colleagues (1991) suggested that "predeath situations should be considered as a predictor of postdeath adjustment" in caregivers (p.
Of course, the primary challenge to rational comprehension is that the entire tale, even the remembered predeath days, is told from the perspective of a dead man, and the normal regulatory logic of everyday reality no longer applies.
The temporary regulations do allow a portion of the predeath payments to qualify as alimony when the postdeath payments are less than scheduled predeath payments.
Sex Date of death hospital (mo) predeath (mo) 2 F Mar 8, 1901 0.77 3.77 3 M May 8, 1901 0.60 1.60 4 F May 8, 1901 0.43 6.43 13 M Aug 28, 1901 1.00 4.00 18 M Oct 19.
In this study, the predeath ferritin level was 891 [+ or -] 476 (versus 619 [+ or -] 345 ng/mL as an initial value).
For the usual cash-basis taxpayer, income earned during life (i.e., accrued) but uncollected at death is not included in the decedent's predeath taxable income.